French-Indonesian Science and Technology Program (NUSANTARA)
The Government of the
The objective of NUSANTARA is to promote and support the new projects of scientific and technological cooperation, between French and Indonesian researchers in both public and private sectors.
Will be eligible to NUSANTARA is any research laboratories from universities, public sector research institutes and small companies.
The programme is open to the following areas of research:
· Biotechnologies including its applications to health (emerging infectious diseases and bio security, hepatitis virus, human avian influenza, H5N1, vector-borne diseases, etc.), food safety and resilience, as well as agronomy (consumption pattern, production, supply, land conversion, etc.)
· Information and communication technologies: Wimax technology, open technology hardware, open source software, content development, network communication technology, standardization, and certification.
· Climate change and the preservation of the environment: animal and vegetal biodiversity; water, land, climactic changes,
· Marine and oceanography,
· Assessment and prevention of natural risks and or disaster management – including early warning system which involve geological, seismic, volcanic, climactic, geomagnetic sciences
· Energy including renewable energy (Nuclear Power Plant, coal power plant, geothermal, marine current energy, biomass, bio-fuel, solar-cell, wind energy etc.)
· Transportation : mass-rapid transportation, multi-moda transportation, linear motor car, maglev technology, long-span bridge, shipbuilding, air transportation system, etc.
· Human and Social sciences
· Advanced material, i.e. nanotechnology
It should be noted that the French and Indonesian partners have to submit the same proposal TO THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENCIES in charge of the management of the NUSANTARA programme, one submitted to EGIDE in France (in French) and one to RISTEK in Indonesia (in English). If one of the two partners failed to apply or sent his application after the deadline, no funding would be granted to either partner.
Projects which have already been selected for the PHC NUSANTARA 2009-2010, cannot be submitted in the next calls of proposals.
NUSANTARA applications are invited once every two years. The appointed Indonesian referees will assess Indonesian applications, while French referees will review French applications. A Joint Committee, consisting of French and Indonesian experts, which will meet alternatively in
The involvement of young researchers studying for a PhD, or pursuing post-doctoral research, is one of the most important selection criteria.
Projects having previously benefited from Nusantara funding are not eligible.
Project duration
The projects selected under the current call for proposals will normally last within two years (2011 and 2012), support for the second year being subject to progress in the first.
To this effect, the project leaders must submit a report of the activities of the first year, including financial aspects, to the Attaché for Science in the French Embassy in
Final report
A final report should be sent at the latest three months after the completion of the projects to French Embassy and to RISTEK. The French partners will have to do so by downloading the relevant file on the PHC extranet and to affix to their online file once completed.
Publication of research
Upon completion of research, all participants are strongly encouraged to publish their research results in international journals.
The programme will support the international travel and living expenses associated with participation in the research project. Funding does not extend to insurances, salaries and equipment expenses, and other activities/costs not eligible for support.
Funding is granted on an annual basis for two consecutive years. Funds must imperatively be used between January 1 and December 31 of any given year. Any funds not used will be lost.
Support to French beneficiaries provided by the French Government in
· living expenses: 110 euros per diem
· travel expenses: reimbursement according to actual costs with a limit of 1100 for return fare between
Although funding is normally allocated to nationals, the French partners are authorized to use part of their funds to invite their Indonesian colleagues if need be.
Support to five (5) Indonesian beneficiaries in 2011-2012, will be provided by the Indonesian government (subject to negotiation with Indonesian Ministry of Finance)
· Living expenses (per diem): will subject to the rates from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in –2011-2012 and the limit of 7 days.
· Travel expenses: reimbursement according to actual costs in accordance with the rates from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in –2011-2012.
How to Apply
Applicants must apply online. French applicants should refer to the EGIDE website.
Indonesian Applicants who are unable, or do not wish, to lodge their application online may contact teguhr@ristek.
For the first round of application, the following schedule will apply:
· deadline for sending applications: 15th June 2010
· June - September: scientific evaluation
· Final selection by Joint Committee: 18th October 2010
· start of projects: 1st January 2011
Contact persons
M. Dominique Dubois
Attaché de coopération scientifique et technique
Service de coopération et d'action culturelle
Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Jl Panarukan n° 35, Menteng Jakarta 10310
Tel : +62 21 31 93 17 95
Email : dominique.dubois@
Dr. Teguh Rahardjo
Deputy Minister for Research, S&T Programs
qq Ms. Nada Marsudi, Director for International, S&T Programs
The State Ministry of Research and Technology,
BPPT 2nd Building, 6th Floor, Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8,
Tel. +62-21-316 9174/316 9198,
Email : teguhr@ristek.
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