1. PhD at K.U. Leuven: Analysis, control and optimization of large-scale dynamical systems
Several PhD and postdoc positions are vacant in the area of analysis, control and optimization of large-scale dynamical systems and networks. The emphasis is on systems described by partial differential equations and functional differential equations, and on the development and application of optimization based control design methods. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis and control of systems with time-varying parameters.
systems, control and optimization, dynamical systems, infinite-dimensiona
The candidates for the PhD positions must have a Masters degree in either engineering or applied mathematics, the candidates for the PostDoc positions must have a PhD degree in Engineering (preferably Electrical, Mechanical or Chemical) or Applied Mathematics. They will be hosted at the Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Division of the K.U.Leuven, which participates in the Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC. They are expected to participate in national and international collaborative projects in the area of dynamical systems, control and optimization.
How to apply:
Send an electronic application to Prof. Wim Michiels (Wim.Michiels[
The application should contain a curriculum vitae, including a short description of your qualifications and experience (i.e. courses, title and summary of Diploma or Master thesis), a short letter describing your motivation, and names and e-mail addresses of one or two scientists willing to provide a reference.
2. PhD at INRIA Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes, France: Stochastic Modeling and Identification of Gene Expression Dynamics Using Fluorescence Microscopy Data
A PhD position in the field of genetic network modelling opens at INRIA Grenoble-Rhone-
Additional information can be found at
Interested candidates should contact:
Eugenio Cinquemani: eugenio.cinquemani[
Hidde de Jong:[
3. PhD at INRIA Lille, France: Observation property and observer design for hybrid systems
One PhD position on observation of hybrid systems is open at INRIA Lille, France. The objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology for investigating observation property and observer design for hybrid systems, and to study its applications. The research work will particularly focus on applications of new techniques such as the efficient and simple algebraic approach for numerical differentiation of noisy signals, developed by ALIEN project-team of INRIA. The applications linked to this topic include some of the existing hot application fields, such as multi-agents systems, cooperative control of mobile robots, communication based on the synchronization of chaotic system and so on. Gross income: 1947,80 /month. French speaking is not necessary.
The applicants should submit their applications by the website of INRIA, more information can be found at
Contributed by: gang.zheng@inria.
4. PhD at Nancy-University, France: Data-based modeling of pesticide water contamination from climatic events in rural catchments areas
There is an increasing use of data-based modeling and simulation in the environmental science. The direct relationship of the rainfall with the concentrations in pesticides is a major stake of the environment. The objective of this project carried out in close connection with hydologist partners is to develop new modeling techniques and tools for the transfer of the pesticides towards water surface based on the observation of rainfall, flow and pesticide concentrations. You will be part of an international research environment for up to three years while you expand your knowledge of the field and write your doctoral thesis. This gives opportunities for many inspiring conversations, a lot of interesting work and some travel.
The position is limited to at most three years. Usually, a PhD student will spend about 80 percent of his or her time on graduate studies, and about 20 percent on teaching. The position is funded by a grant of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and is open to applicants of any nationality. Gross income: 2095 /month.
Typical profiles are candidates with Master degrees in control engineering, signal processing, computer science, environmental science or mathematics with strong interdisciplinary interest in modeling and simulation of environmental systems. Good programming skills (e.g. Matlab, etc.) are also highly desirable. Teamwork and presentation skills, as well as fluent English, are necessary requisites. French speaking is not required.
The application deadline is 26th April 2010. The successful candidates might be selected for an interview process in Spring and have to be available for a start in October 2010. CV and further enquiries should be directed to
MarionGilson: marion.gilson[
HuguesGarnier: hugues.garnier[
5. PhD at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France: Control of biological regulatory systems: methods, design, and implementation. Application: growth control in E. coli
The thesis will be with the COMORE team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. It will address the problem of controlling the class of systems of piecewise affine differential equations, under biologically appropriate restrictions. Piecewise affine (PWA) differential systems constitute an intuitive theoretical framework for the study of genetic regulatory networks, as they are based on a qualitative description of the systems that can be easily compared with the experimental data obtained from gene and protein expression. In general, the parameters of PWA systems represent synthesis and degradation rates of the molecular components of the biological network, and the solutions represent the evolution of the system in "rectangles"
In a more advanced stage, control laws that depend on the variables of the system or dynamic feedback laws will also be explored. Control problems can be related to generating invariant regions, stabilization to a given steady state, generating periodic solutions. The project will study these control problems for small circuits (motifs such as simple positive and negative loops, feedforward loops) and then investigate the insertion of each motif and its control method into a larger network. The methods developed will be applied to the genetic network that regulates growth in E. coli (collaboration with IBIS team).
Requirements: We are looking for an applied mathematician (master level), or computer scientist, with a background in analysis of dynamical systems, and preferably familiar with hybrid systems theory and/or control theory. In addition, we expect a strong motivation to work on applications in genomics. Initial gross income is 1947,80 euros/month. Knowledge of French is not requested. Application deadline is May 4th, 2010. Additional information and application can be found at: http://www.inria.
Contact: JL Gouzé, INRIA COMORE, gouze[at]sophia.
6. PhD at Automatic Control Lab of Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL): Identification and control of an Electro Discharge Machine
The Automatic Control Laboratory (Laboratoire d'Automatique, LA, http://lawww.
Applicants should have a strong background in dynamical systems, signal processing and control, and hold a master's degree in Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering. The position is available immediately and EPFL offers highly competitive salaries. For application, please use the form provided by the doctoral program in Electrical Engineering or Manufacturing Systems and Robotics (http://phd.epfl.
Dr. Alireza Karimi
Laboratoire d'Automatique
EPFL -Station 9
CH-1015Lausanne, Switzerland
emai: alireza.karimi[
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