Dear Moderator,
Mohon diperkenankan untuk share info kepada teman-teman yang bekerja di USAID Works..karena ini jarang sekali di adakan di Indonesia dan mudah2an bisa membantu pengetahuan kawan-kawan yang akhirnya meningkatkan daya jual di lapangan kerja di NGO terutama USAID funded.
Terima Kasih
Dear Friends,
The Center for Development Excellence is pleased to announce that it will be conducting the following courses in Jakarta, Indonesia.
"USAID Regulations and Policies" (April 11-13, 2011): This three-day program will build and reinforce essential knowledge about USAID regulations and policies to efficiently and compliantly administer and manage USAID agreements. Discover the principles driving US government donor funding requirements, the compliance frameworks that govern USAID awards, and know the procedures and applicable rules and regulations to manage your organizations USAID awards.
"USAID Regulations and Policies" (April 11-13, 2011): This three-day program will build and reinforce essential knowledge about USAID regulations and policies to efficiently and compliantly administer and manage USAID agreements. Discover the principles driving US government donor funding requirements, the compliance frameworks that govern USAID awards, and know the procedures and applicable rules and regulations to manage your organizations USAID awards.
"Financial Management of USAID Awards" (April 14-15, 2011): The focus of this two-day program is to firmly establish and reinforce the building blocks of financial processes and controls all organizations and businesses need to prepare cost proposals and administer financial requirements of USAID contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. Participants will gain a thorough and in-depth appreciation of the USAID audit rules to know the financial management practices and structures needed to implement a compliant USAID award.
The seminars will be conducted by Doug Franke, a Chartered Public Accountant, is the Managing Director of SustainAbility Solutions Africa, a consulting firm that assists international and local donors, foundations, and recipient organizations with financial management, sustainability issues, institutional strengthening, and special purpose audits. Steeped in USAID regulations, policies, and procedures, Mr. Franke has conducted scores of training courses for thousands of USAID- and CDC-recipient financial and technical staff.
Each seminar participant will receive a seminar manual, a CD containing authoritative U.S. Government and USAID rules and regulations, and a subscription to the monthly, emailed NGO Financial Newsletter.
To register please visit our website:
For more information please contact;
Center for Development Excellence
7600 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: 301-263-7507
To register please visit our website:
For more information please contact;
Center for Development Excellence
7600 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: 301-263-7507
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