Wednesday, May 12, 2010

[beasiswa] [info] 2 postdoc positions available at UTS, Sydney, Australia]


Sujet :
2 postdoc positions available at UTS, Sydney, Austra;ia
De :
Derek Eamus <>
Date :
Tue, 11 May 2010 10:50:34 +1000
Pour :
Dario Papale <>, "" <>, "" <>
Copie à :
"" <>, "" <>, Bob Cook <>, "Thomas A. Boden" <>

Hi Y'all,

I have two postdocs available in my lab.

The first is through the National Centre For Groundwater Research and Training. This is a 3 y position to look at the ecophysiology and ecohydrology of groundwater dependent ecosystems.
Go to:

for details.

The second is to use remote sensing and ecohysiological field work to look at the distribution and functioning of groundwater dependent ecosystems. This will go live on the UTS webpage next week, but you can contact me now if you want details. The position will be supervised by Professor Alfredo Huete and myself. It is a 4 y position.

Feel free to distribute this widely to anyone that may be interested. I am happy to chat with anyone about either of these positions.


Derek Eamus
Professor, Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway
NSW 2007
ph 02 9514 4154
From: Dario Papale []
Sent: Friday, 9 April 2010 12:33 AM
Cc:;; Bob Cook; Thomas A. Boden
Subject: REMINDER: New LaThuile dataset version - data submission open


This is a remainder about the new FLUXNET initiative (see below).
We are receiving new data from many of you, thanks. Please if you wish
to participate let us now soon since we need to start to organize the

Best regards

Dear site PIs and Fluxnet colleagues,

Almost three years ago the first global Fluxnet standardized dataset has
been created (known as "LaThuile" dataset) with about 250 sites from all
the networks and 1000 years with data, which have been shared among
contributors to the dataset for join scientific analysis. We think
overall this has been a very interesting and successful exercise, with
such big collaborative effort maybe unprecedented in Earth Science.
In this context three needs have been confirmed or identified: 1) to
update the data set and extend it in terms of spatial representation, 2)
to add new, revised or alternative schemes for the different processing
steps (e.g. night-time correction, flux-partitioning), 3) to open these
data to wider scientific community.

Hence, in addition to the LaThuile dataset and data policy, a new
initiative started with the aim to share these data also with other
scientific communities under more flexible policies: an "Open policy"
where the users have to write proposals like for the LaThuile policy and
a "Free Fair Use" where the data are directly available. These two new
policies and the revised LaThuile policy are attached to this email.


In addition we believe it is time now to create a new version of the
dataset, adding new sites, new years and new processing schemes.

In this new dataset there will be a suite of different ustar threshold
selection, gapfilling and partitioning methods used, which have been
contributed by colleagues from the FLUXNET community. These estimates
will give a better quantification of the uncertainty.

If you are interested to participate sending new sites non yet included
in the LaThuile dataset or new years, updated versions or new variables
for sites already included in the LaThuile dataset, the deadline is
April 30th 2010.


There are variables mandatory that are needed for the data processing
and variables very important that are strongly suggested. However all
the variables are accepted. It is also important to send the ancillary
information and metadata (some also mandatory). You can find the list in
the attached document "Fluxnet_datareq_2010.pdf".

It is possible also to send a "filtered, gapfilled and partitioned" PI
version of the data. In this case we ask to send the description of the
processing applied.

The data need to be submitted to different groups/databases depending on
where you site is and where you are from. All the information are
reported in the above cited document.

IMPORTANT: the new data submitted, like the data already in the dataset,
can be shared under the LaThuile, Opened or Free data policy; you have
to decide on site-year basis under which data policy your data should be
shared so please remember to specify this information when you submit
the data.

An early submission would help timely processing and early
identification of problems/questions.

Looking forward to collaborate for the next years Dario Papale, Dennis
Baldocchi and Markus Reichstein

Dario Papale
University of Tuscia
Department of Forest Environment and Resources (DISAFRI) Via S. Camillo
del Lellis snc 01100 Viterbo ITALY tel +39 0761 357251 fax +39 0761
357389 http:\\

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