Saturday, December 18, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] Eiffel Scholarships 2011 / 2012, France


The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs launched the Eiffel excellence scholarship programme in January 1999 to support French centres of higher education in their international outreach initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed countries, to attract elite overseas students on master's, engineering and PhD courses.

2011/2012 Session timetable

  • Application forms put online: 27 September 2010
  • Deadline for reception of applications by Égide: 7 January 2011
  • Announcement of results: week of 21 March 2011
  • Eiffel Programme guide – 2011/2012 Session PDF format (in french only)
  • Eiffel Programme guide – 2010/2011 Session PDF format (in french only)
Application documents
Quality Chart
Evaluation chart
  • Evaluation chart under PDF format (in french only)

Read more...Click here


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