Vacancy announcement for Ph.D. / post-doc position on sustainability assessment of bio-based materials
The Group Science, Technology and Society (STS; has a vacancy for a Ph.D. position (also suitable as post-doc position) on the sustainability assessment of bio-based materials. We
recommend interested researchers to submit their CV and motivation letter and any relevant background
information already now. Please send your documents as soon as possible to .
In the last few years, sustainability issues have been receiving more attention than ever before among all
stakeholders of the society including researchers, policy makers, companies and NGOs. Frontrunners in
sustainable energy, in sustainable materials and manufacturing and in sustainable services are currently
setting the stage. The range of (technology) options offering opportunities for sustainable development is
rapidly expanding. The boundary conditions, including economic parameters such as the oil price and
policy goals are subject to change. Methodologies for monitoring sustainability are being developed,
tested and applied.
STS is active in this dynamic field of research covering all all three areas of sustainability. The prime
focus is on environmental aspects, followed by economic assessment and, to a limited extent, also social
aspects are covered.
Job description
Bio-based materials represent a new, rapidly developing area which is seen as one of the cornerstones of
a bio-based economy next to biofuels and other forms of bioenergy. The objective is to develop and to
apply novel, bio-based materials with low environmental footprint, favourable economics and
advantageous social effects. Companies of the chemical sector and the agricultural sector are teaming up
to produce such materials which are expected to be used in large amounts in the consumer goods sector
and the packaging industry. The developments have so far been limited to R&D and first stages of
commercialization but given the very dynamic developments there is urgent need for a comprehensive
assessment of the sustainability aspects.
The objectives of the project FEASIBLE (full title: Feasibility of End use Applications: Sustainability and
techno-Economic aspects) closely link up to these needs. In the context of this project it will be your task
to contribute to methodology development for the sustainability assessment of bio-based materials (esp.
environmental and economic aspects) and to apply these methods to approximately four end applications
of everyday life (e.g. injection moulded components and insulation materials). As part of your project
work you will closely interact with researchers, developers and users of novel bio-based materials.
FEASIBLE is part of the large-scale project "Bio-based Performance materials" (BPM) which is funded by
the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture.
You should have an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree in chemistry or physics, chemical/process engineering and/or
environmental sciences. Experience with research on environmental issues (preferably LCA) and very
good English language skills are indispensible prerequisites. Publications in scientific journals and
experience in networking are considered as advantages.
Terms of employment
The candidates are offered a position for approximately four years. Next to research (90%) you will also
contribute to teaching (10%).
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Aretha Aprilia
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