Friday, October 28, 2011

[beasiswa] [info] Postdoctoral studies in Cell Engineering, Karolinska Institutet


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Postdoctoral studies in Cell Engineering

The Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)

The Stem Cell Engineering group is located at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB), Karolinska Institutet. CMB offers an exciting environment with world leading stem cell and cancer research. The research group is associated with the Linné Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine ( and is a member of the Network for Organic Bioelectronics (funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research).

Description of the research project/area of research
The Stem Cell Engineering group investigates the mechanisms of cell/microenvironment interaction by resorting to a broad tool kit that includes the development of novel micro- and nanotechnologies. In addition, we explore the applications of environmental control of stem cell function in regenerative medicine and cancer. Recently, we developed a method for dynamic control of growth factor presentation to stem cells (Herland et al., Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, in press). The project deals with the development of 2D and 3D in vitro tumor models and models of neurodevelopmental structures.

Qualifications of the applicant
We are looking for highly motivated, talented researchers that are enthusiastic about interdisciplinary research. Experience with cell and protein patterning methods (such as soft lithography) and polymer science applied to biological systems are considered merits. Applicants should have received their PhD in a biomedical or engineering field no more than 3 years ago and have a proven publication record.

A scholarship for the pursuit of postdoctoral studies may be awarded to a person who comes from a country outside of Sweden, and whose intent is to stay in Sweden for his or her entire, or partial, postdoctoral education. The head of the department decides whether the applicant's education and scientific qualifications will be regarded as equivalent to (or higher than) a Swedish doctorate. Scholarships may not be given to anyone who in the two years before the proposed award of the scholarship has received a salary or remuneration from Karolinska Institutet.

A condition for scholarship for the pursuit of postdoctoral studies is that the scholarship holder is centrally registered as a postdoc.

Information about research scholarship for postdoctoral studies
At Karolinska Institutet, scholarships may only be established for the education of the holder. Educational scholarships are restricted for postdoctoral studies lasting up to two years and exempted from Swedish income tax. 
A scholarship for the pursuit of postdoctoral studies may be awarded for up to two years in the five years following the public defence (or equivalent) of a doctoral thesis. The scholarship amount is approved for up to six months at a time and is paid monthly.

Form of employment:
Postdoctoral studies

Contact information
For further details about the research project and stipulations of the scholarship, please contact Ana Teixeira,

Please send your application, marked with reference number 06334/2011, to reach us by no later than November 20 2011 to Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Att: Margaret Ulander, Box 285, 171 77 Stockholm. The following documents must be submitted with your application, and written in English:
- CV and qualifications presented in accordance with Karolinska Institutet's qualifications portfolio
- A synopsis of current research work
- PhD Degree certificate or a formal document from the dissertation-committee stating the date of dissertation.

CMB is a department strongly focused on basic science conducting research in several areas of cell, molecular and developmental biology. Currently approximately 230 persons are employed or affliated at our department. 

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