Tuesday, July 7, 2015

[beasiswa] [info] PostDoc --- Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sara Jane Webb <sjwebb@u.washington.edu>
Date: Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 12:08 AM
Subject:  Upcoming Opportunities --- Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials

Category: Postdoctoral Opening, Research Assistant Position
Location: Connecticut, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington
Description: Upcoming Opportunities --- Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials

The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT) involves a network of leading scientists at five sites (Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard University in Boston MA; University of Washington/Seattle Children's Research Institute in Seattle WA; Yale Child Study Center in New Haven CT; UCLA in Los Angeles CA; and Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development, Duke University, Durham, NC). The goal of this consortium is to generate a set of reliable behavioral and psychophysiological tools for use in clinical trials with children with ASD. Specifically, we will be working to integrate clinical, behavioral, EEG, and eye-tracking methods to create biomarkers for use in clinical trials. Across these sites, we plan to hire Research Coordinators, Clinicians, Postdoctoral and Research Scientists, and Research Assistants. We will seek individuals with experience in diagnostic and clinical assessment, behavioral testing, EEG and ET data collection, and data signal processing in developmental or clinical populations. Duties will vary based on open position so please inquire with the site principal investigator.

Anticipated Requirements:
Include: (1) Excellent interpersonal skills; (2) degree as appropriate for position (BA/BS for Research Assistants and Coordinators, MS or PhD for Postdoctoral or Research Scientists and Clinicians); (3) Experience working on research projects; (4) Interest and/or experience working clinically with children with autism spectrum disorders and their families.

Contact Info:
To learn more about upcoming openings at each site, please contact:
Overall Principal Investigator & Data Collection Site: Yale, New Haven CT: James McPartland james.mcpartland@yale.edu
Data Collection Site: University of Washington, Seattle WA: Raphael Bernier rab2@uw.edu
Data Collection Site: Boston Children's Hospital, Boston MA: Charles Nelson Charles.Nelson@childrens.harvard.edu
Data Collection Site: UCLA, Los Angeles CA: Shafali Jeste SJeste@mednet.ucla.edu
Data Collection Site: Duke University, Durham NC: Geraldine Dawson geraldine.dawson@duke.edu
EEG Analysis: Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle, WA: Sara Jane Webb sjwebb@uw.edu
Eye Tracking Analysis: Yale, New Haven CT: Fred Shic frederick.shic@yale.edu

Sara Jane Webb, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Washington
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Seattle WA http://depts.washington.edu/pbslab/


Posted by: "Ignatius S. Condro Atmawan B." <saptocondro@googlemail.com>
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