Friday, March 5, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] 140 MRes/PhD Studentships at Northumbria University, UK


Northumbria University
Research Studentships
140 Doctoral and Research Masters Studentship Opportunities 2010

Northumbria University, through its Corporate Strategy, seeks to establish a position among the best of a new type of excellent university – strong in the fundamental activities of teaching and research and in using these activities to make a real difference to people, enterprises and communities.

As part of our continuing commitment to research and scholarship, Northumbria University is offering 140 doctoral and MRes funded research studentships, available for uptake from 1 August 2010.

Studentships are available across the full range of disciplines offered by Northumbria University. The studentships offered include a range of funding and support including fees, an annual stipend, and travel and consumables. For further details of our research areas and latest vacancies, check the links for opportunities in each School below. You can also register your interest for future vacancies.
School of Applied Sciences
School of Arts & Social Sciences
School of the Built Environment
School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences
School of Design
School of Health, Community & Education Studies
School of Psychology & Sport Sciences


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