Saturday, March 6, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] Fujitsu Scholarship Program for Postgraduate Education to participants from the Asia-Pacific region


The Fujitsu Scholarship supports your development as a global leader by funding your participation in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program.
Hone your leadership vision with this specialized program, delivered by JAIMS, in the wonderful setting of Honolulu, Hawaii. The diverse student body and rigorous curriculum will stretch you to be your best, and prepare you to lead your organization to success in the 21st Century.

The application deadline for the 26th Fujitsu Scholarship is March 19, 2010.


The Fujitsu Scholarship provides full financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program (EWKLP) to participants from the Asia-Pacific region. Fujitsu Limited established the Fujitsu Scholarship Program in 1985 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding.
The EWKLP has a three-month curriculum, which synthesizes the best practices of both the East and West. You will sharpen your global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations.
EWKLP is run by JAIMS, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Fujitsu established JAIMS as a nonprofit postgraduate institute in 1972. Many Fujitsu Scholarship recipients are now working for corporate and social-service organizations across the globe. As a EWKLP graduate, you too will become a member of a vibrant global alumni network.


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