Tuesday, March 9, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] Vacancy - Public Relation Specialist - Adcom (Integrated Communication Firm)



Our Client,  Adcom Dua Dua (www.adcomduadua.com), an integrated communication firm is seeking people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :



Public Relation Specialist          (PRS - ADC)


Responsibilities :

·         The Public Relations Specialist will play a key role, supporting the Company's goal.

·         Working with senior management, he/she will work on various initiatives to drive strategic PR campaigns through tactical, comprehensive and measurable programs.

·         Create and present PR strategies to Client with tactical programs that deliver measurable results

·         Write and edit press materials such as press releases, pitches, briefing sheets, plans, press kit materials, source and brief testimonials and case studies

·         Write and edit messaging and Q&A around announcements/events

·         Work with a wide variety of clients to deliver on company goals and strategies

·         Work with contractors and virtual team members.

·         Other task as needed


Requirement :

·         Highly developed communication skills (verbal, written, presentation)

·         Strategic thinking and ability to execute at all levels

·         Proactively identify communications/newsworthy opportunities and develop supporting programs

·         Ability to influence and provide strategic and persuasive counsel to  clients

·         A self-starter, detail-oriented, highly organized and able to manage multiple tasks/projects simultaneously with a sense of urgency

·         Thrive in a fast-paced, unstructured environment; work independently with minimal supervision; adapt easily to new situations

·         Work directly with media at all levels

·         PR agency experience a plus

·         Minimum 1+ years PR experience. Agency experience desired with consumer technology/product expertise preferred




Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph  to :   career@sintesa-resourcing.com



Please put the position applied  PRS - ADC  on the subject line. 

Only short listed candidates will be notified.

If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at www.sintesa-resourcing.com


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Email: ramaguna@gmail.com ; tim_kreasi@ramaguna.com
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