Monday, September 19, 2011

[lowongan-beasiswa] [INFO] Ancora Foundation Graduate Fellowship at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University


This is our flagship program. One scholarship is offered annually to for an Indonesian to attend the Edward S. Mason Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
For the past seven decades, the Harvard Kennedy School has strived to place itself at the vanguard of studying public policy and preparing practitioners. Today the school has evolved into one of the world's most eminent social science research institutions – housing 15 research centers and institutes and more than thirty executive education and degree programs – with worldwide reach and influence.
The Edward S. Mason Program is one of Harvard's oldest international student programs. It brings together leaders from around the world who enroll in the one-year Master in Public Administration Degree. The emphasis of the program and courses is on developing the broad range of analytical and leadership skills required to initiate and to implement major political, social, or economic change.Read the rest of this entry »

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