Thursday, October 20, 2011

[lowongan-beasiswa] Vacancies - Factory of Indonesian Sugar Refinery Manufacturer in Cilegon / Marunda / Medan


Our Client,  PT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya  ( , one of Indonesian Sugar Refinery Manufacturer is seeking people to fill in positions with following experiences and skills :



Warehouse Dept Head               ( Warehouse DH – SUJ )

Engineering Dept Head               ( Engineering DH – SUJ )

Power Plant Dept Head              ( Power Plant DH – SUJ )

Boiler Dept Head                          ( Boiler DH – SUJ )

Production Dept Head                ( Production DH – SUJ )

HR Dept Head                                ( HR DH – SUJ )



·         Bachelor Degree from reputable University.

·         Dynamic, Result oriented, Mature.

·         Possess strong leadership and capable of achieving goals set by higher Management.

·         Excellent interpersonal and communication skill.

·         5 years minimum experience in the same field, preferable from sugar refinery or chemical industry.

·         Wiling to be located at Cilegon / Marunda / Medan.



Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to :


Please put the position applied  Warehouse DH – SUJ /  Engineering DH – SUJ  / Power Plant DH – SUJ  / Boiler DH – SUJ / Production DH – SUJ / HR DH – SUJ on the subject line.  Only short listed candidates will be notified.

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