Tuesday, August 13, 2013

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD Scholarships from Swiss Government 2014-2015



Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research EAER
Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students FCS

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
PhD Scholarships
Academic year: 2014-2015
Country: Indonesia


Swiss Government Excellence PhD Scholarships for foreign students

Offered by

The Swiss Government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students FCS


To enable selected applicants to undertake a PhD in one of the 10 Swiss Public Universities, the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and public teaching and research institutes


Federal Institutes of Technology
Teaching and Research Institutes

University of Basel / University of Bern / University of Fribourg / University of Geneva / University of Lausanne / University of Lucerne / University of Neuchâtel / University of St.Gallen / University of Zurich / University of Lugano
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)
Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP)
Institut universitaire Kurt Bösch


The Scholarship is only valid for full time PhD studies in Switzerland. It is not valid for mixed PhD programs (part time in Switzerland and part time in a third country)

Target Group

Highly qualified post graduate students (in possession of the required degrees) from all academic fields


3 years maximum

Amount and additional allowances

The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of 1920 Swiss Francs
Exemption of the tuition fees (except for EPFL)
Mandatory Swiss Health insurance paid by the FCS (for non-EU or EFTA grantees only)
A lump sum for air fare for non-European grantees only (provided at the end of the scholarship)
Special 300 Swiss Francs lodging allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship)
1 year half-fare public transportation card
Counseling and various trips, dinners and sigh seeing tours organized for Swiss Government Scholarship holders

Eligibility Criteria and specific conditions

Master degree or equivalent University degree recognized by the Swiss University
The applicant must not be more than 35 years old at the moment of the application
Applicants who are in Switzerland for more than 1 year at the beginning of the scholarship are not eligible
Applicants must provide a letter (e-mail) from a Professor from the Swiss host institution stating that he/she is willing to supervise the PhD
In the case where the PhD is run within a structured doctoral school applicants must provide an admission letter or the proof that they are being considered for admission
Applicants must apply for the scholarship as well as to the chosen Swiss University. The 2 procedures are separate ones.
Applicants must have a research proposal including a timeframe (this is the central piece of the application. The applicant must devote all required attention to it)
Applicants must be in command of the necessary language skills required for the PhD studies
Applicants who have already benefited from a Swiss Government Scholarship are not eligible to apply for a second scholarship
Application Procedure

The application package can be obtained by e-mail from the Swiss Embassy in Jakarta.
The deadline for the submission of applications is 02/12/2013
Applications have to be submitted in 3 copies (hard copies only)
Application Time Framework

Opening of the call: 12/08/2013
Application Deadline: 02/12/2013
Selection Interview, ask: Swiss Embassy
Beginning of the scholarship: 16.09.2014

Application documents

(Please provide 3 sets of copies on A4 paper. Please do not staple the documents and/or put them into plastic sheets or binders).

The FCS 2014-2015 official application form (typed and printed). No handwritten forms will be accepted
Copies of all university certificates and grade-sheets (all copies must be attested, and translated if originals are not in English, German, French or Italian. Attestations can be done by the University or a Government Officer.
2 letters of recommendation from Professors in the applicants field (use exclusively the official reference form provided with the application package)
A complete research proposal (max. 5 pages), use exclusively the official research proposal form provided with the application package
A motivation letter (max. 2 pages)
A full curriculum vitae with list of academic publications
A copy of the confirmation from a Professor at the intended Swiss University that he/she is willing to supervise the PhD studies. In the case where the PhD is run within a structured doctoral school, a copy of the PhD admission letter or a least a proof that the candidate is being considered for admission
A health certificate (use exclusively the official health certificate provided with the application package)
A copy of the passport (main page with personal data)

Contact institution for the application

Questions and application documents, have to be submitted at the following address:

Swiss Embassy in Jakarta
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav X3/2, 12950 Jakarta
E-mail: jak.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
Tel: 0062 21 525 60 61
Web: www.eda.admin.ch/jakarta

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