Eligibility criteria
1. Thecompetition is open to all Australia Awards alumni across all disciplines.
2. The research poster should be based on originalresearch.
3. Participantsmay submit more than one poster and corresponding abstract.
Submission -- Submissions aremade in two parts:
Submission 1: Research Poster Via email to: postaward@adsindonesia.or.id email subject: POSTER Competition_your name or softcopy sent to Australia Awards Office; Gedung Wirausaha 7th floor, Jl.HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta Poster size & format File format: in JPEG or PSD (Photoshop) · File size: Hi-resolution (printable on A0 paper size) · Research titles and names should appear on the poster. · Authors are urged to include photographs to assist in author identification · The font of text should be large enough to be readable from 50 75cm away. Submission 2: Abstract In addition to the Research Poster, a structured abstract must be submitted via email to postaward@adsindonesia.or.id email subject: POSTER Competition_your name Abstract should: · Be no more than 500 characters and Should include: · o Project Scope, o Problem Statement and Hypothesis o Discussion on methodology o Results/ Findings to date oConclusion · Panel of judges will review the abstracts to shortlist contestants before judging the actual posters. · ·
Prizes and awards·
The first place winner will receive a QANTAS returnticket to Australia.
· Next three runner ups will receive a GARUDAreturn ticket + accommodation for attending the
· Alumni Workshop in Jayapura (30/11/11) and willbe invited to present their research in a 5 min presentation.
Thetwenty top poster entries will be exhibited during the Alumni Workshop inJayapura (30/11/11)
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