Anniversary Research Scholarships
To celebrate our 125th anniversary in 2009, Bangor University launched a five year programme of postgraduate expansion.
As a continuation of this strategic expansion, in 2010/2011 we will be offering around 70 research scholarships comprised of c. 30 Anniversary PhD studentships and bursaries and c. 40 postgraduate opportunities for companies and students wishing to collaborate on MRes and PhD research projects of social/economic value to the Convergence region of Wales. These are known as KESS Scholarships (Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships)
Please visit the KESS website for details of this scheme and the available MRes and PhD opportunities.
Bangor University Anniversary Research Scholarships.
The Bangor University Anniversary Research Scholarships scheme offers opportunities to the very best students to work with our leading academic figures and rising stars. This investment in research forms part of the University's strategy to grow research excellence, and to further enhance our dynamic research environment. We are an ambitious university, committed to expanding our research capacity and our international standing.
The University consists of six Colleges, offering world-class resources in all of the areas listed below:
Arts & Humanities
Business, Social Sciences & Law
Education and Lifelong learning
Natural Sciences
Health & Behavioural Sciences
Physical & Applied Sciences
We welcome applications from outstanding students from the UK, EU and internationally.
A Bangor University Anniversary Research Scholarship provides ...
. . . support for 3 years of full time PhD study. The studentships cover all fees for three years and provide an annual stipend and an annual research allowance. The bursaries provide an annual stipend only.
Apply for a Scholarship
If you would like to apply for a Bangor University Anniversary Research Scholarship please visit the How To Apply page.
The 2010-11 awards are funded by the Colleges of Bangor University as part of their commitment to postgraduate research.
Copyright © 2001-2010 Scholarships at Bangor University
Research Office Bangor University 9th Floor Alun Roberts Building Deiniol Road BANGOR Gwynedd LL57 2UW
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