Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[beasiswa] [INFO] User System Interaction Design specialist


bagi yg bukan dari bidang ini namun tertarik (highly motivated)
mempelajari bidang ini, bisa mendaftar ke program ini (syarat: lulus
master). sebagian lulusan program ini bekerja di industri, dan
sebagian lagi menjadi peneliti atau lanjut phd.

deadline 30 mei 2010, mulai kuliah 1 okt 2010.

silakan email saya kalau ada yg mau tanya tips2nya :)


Do you want to be a specialist in User System Interaction Design?

Apply for the Post-Master User-System Interaction program at the
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven where you can combine studying and
working inan industrial environment! The User System Interaction
program offers full scholarship for highly motivated, ambitious
post-graduate students who are prepared to invest two year to learn
about state-of-the-art methodes and techniques for the design and
evaluation of user interfaces of ICT products, systems and services.

Graduates of our program are prepared to function at the forefront of
the knowledge society and in particular at the interface between
people and technology. We require that students in our program have
excellent social and communicative competencies, including sufficient
proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and comprehension of English
(for details see below)

What do we offer?

A two year salaried traineeship at the Department of Industrial Design
at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. After completion of the two
year program, students are awarded the Professional Doctorate in
Engineering (PDEng). The PDEng degree is fully recognized by the Royal
Netherlands Society of Engineering (KIVI).

Requirements for admission 2010

Graduate degree (MSc or equivalent*) in engineering, behavioural
science or design (including computer science, business engineering,
mathematics, physics, psychology, cognitive sciences or Industrial

Supporting qualifications that we are looking for are

High motivation for work in the user system interaction domain
Professional qualifications and/or practical experience
Extracurriculair activities

Documents required for admission 2010:

Motivation Statement: Your objective in pursuing a Professional
Doctorate in Engineering in User System Interaction, Including your
career goals and your reasons for choosing to apply to the User System
Interaction program. We also want to know your background in User
System Interaction and other fields relevant to your objective. Any
additional details you wish to give the Admission Committee, including
projects on which you have worked.
complete application form - link to the application form
Extensive curriculum vitae
Two letters of recommendation **
Certified copies of diplomas, courses and grades (in Dutch or
English): If you are still studying at this moment now, then we
require a statement from your university mentor that it is likely that
you graduate before October 2010. Any possible offer will always be
with the condition you will indeed graduate in time.
Abstract of your MSc. thesis (maximum 150 words) of from your latest
draft version.
Result of IELTS test academical level or TOEFL test (Paper Based
Exam). We require an English proficiency equivalent *** to an IELTS
score of at least 6.5 average and no score less then 6. Results of
TOEFL should be at least 550 and no score less then sufficient can be

For more information about these tests check the website
http://www.IELTS.org/ or http://www.TOEFL.com/

Copy passport

* In order to get a clear view on the applicants' previous education,
inquiries might be made with the Nuffic, a Dutch national institute
that analyses and compares academic programs and universities

** The two letters of recommendation should be send by the
recommenders themselves directly to the USI programme. Letters that
are sent together with the other application forms will not be
accepted. A template is available as a part of the application form.

*** You do not need to submit the score of the IELTS/TOEFL test
together with the other documents, only when you pass the USI reading
committee, we will notify you that you need to schedule the test as
soon as possible. If you already have the results available, please
send them together with the other documents. Passing the test is
always a requirement for a possible offer. Please check the FAQ for
more information about the procedure.





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