Friday, April 1, 2011

[lowongan-beasiswa] [INFO] 2011 Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development (Scholarships available)


Instructions to the Application for 2011 Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on
Environment for Sustainable Development

Application materials for Leadership Programme are received via e-mail. Please
follow the application instructions carefully.

1. Applicants below 35 are generally preferred.
2. Application Materials:
l  Completed Application form
l Résumé/Curriculum Vitae
l Letter of Recommendation: Letter of reference should be
from either an academia or a professional referee who can testify your strengths

and experiences in relation to Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment
for Sustainable Development. Please send the scanned copy of the letter through

3. Please send all the application materials
before April 24th. Normally, decision notification will be mailed to you within
one week after the deadline.

The final selected applicants will be notified before May 1st via email and the
list of selected participants will be announced on this website. We highly
recommend that you submit all of your materials well in advance of the deadline
to avoid delays.

Limited financial resources will be available to support candidates from
developing countries. Applicant, with well-grounded reasons, could apply for the

fund to cover his or her international travel, accommodation and training fee
from May 5th to 10th. The participants from developed countries are also warmly
welcomed, and 1500$ is needed to cover the training and accommodation.

Semoga bermanfaat dan salam,

Aretha Aprilia.
Author - Rahasia Sukses Berkarier Internasional (Rasberi)

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