GLOBAL FELLOWSHIPS IN MARINE CONSERVATION (Summer Term II) Deadline: 1 March For additional information regarding the Global Fellowships in Marine Conservation applicants are encouraged to contact ml_admissions@ Fellowships for international students will fully cover travel expenses, room and board, and tuition for both BIO 109/ENV 209 Conservation Biology and Policy and one elective course subject to availability. Eligibility This fellowship is available to any international applicant with interest and qualifications in conservation biology. Application Form There is no separate fellowship application form. Intent to apply for a fellowship should be made known on the reverse of the summer course enrollment form. Required Credentials In addition to the summer application for courses and current college or professional school transcript*, each Global Fellowship applicant is required to submit (1) a brief essay (one page or less) describing the applicant's education, research, and work experience background (a Curriculum Vitae does not take the place of this essay); (2) a brief statement of purpose, i.e., describing the applicant's reason for taking the course, how the applicant will be able to apply the training in his/her home country, the applicant's future goals; (3) a letter of recommendation from academic faculty or employer addressed to Dr. Larry Crowder; and (4) a Curriculum Vitae. All credentials may be posted (135 Duke Marine Lab Rd, Beaufort NC 28516, USA) or faxed (252-504-7648) to the attention of Debbie Pease or scanned and sent in Word or pdf form as an email attachment to drpease1@duke. about the information to be included in your reference letter. These letters typically include how the referee knows you, his/her opinions of your work together in the past, and thoughts about whether he/she feels you'd be well suited to this program. * If at all possible, a copy of the transcript is preferred. A scan (sent in Word or pdf form as an email attachment to drpease1@duke. or fax (252-504-7648) to the attention of Debbie Pease, an unofficial version of the transcript is fine. If this is impossible, then please send a copy of your degree. An ordinary (non certified) translation of the transcript is fine. Due Date All Global Fellowship credentials must be received no later than March 1, 2010 by the admissions office of the Marine Laboratory. All fellowship applicants will be notified of their award status shortly after the deadline date. We cannot control the directions of the wind, but may be we can adjust our sails ============ Dr. Handoko Adi Susanto, MSc. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Phone: +62 251 831 6307 Fax: +62 251 8357 347 Website: www.wcsmarine- --- On Sat, 2/6/10, Iwan Adhicandra <iwan@beasiswa.
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