Monday, November 1, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] Fw: Announcing UNDP 2010 Human Development Media Fellowship


From: UNDP Media Fellowship
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 4:47 AM
To: UNDP Media Fellowship
Subject: Announcing UNDP 2010 Human Development Media Fellowship
Importance: High

Dear Colleague,

Please be informed that the UNDP 2010 Human Development Media Fellowship is now open for applications.

The theme for the Media Fellowship for 2010 is: Gender: Empowering Women as Agents of Change for Human Development.

The fellowship is open to nationals from 36 countries across the Asia-Pacific region (the full list of countries can be found in the brochures as Annex II).

Please visit the UNDP website below for further details:

If you would like a high-resolution print version of the brochures, please advise.

If you have any queries about the media fellowship, please send to:

We would appreciate if you would please circulate amongst your networks.

With thanks and Best Regards,
Teresa OShannassy
Regional Representative,
ICF Macro, Bangkok, Thailand

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