Saya berhasil bikin akun dan tidak mengalami masalah apa-apa. Setelah membuat akun di laman Turkiye Burslari, segera cek email dan konfirmasi pendaftaran. Dari situ baru log in. Kalau belum dikonfirmasi maka log in tidak berhasil sekalipun password yang dimasukkan sudah benar.
Coba mas ulangi lagi dari awal prosesnya. Atau kalau masih ada juga kesalahan teknis yang membingungkan, kirim email ke panitia scholarships lewat form yang tersedia. Thanks :)
--- In, haris setya <abu_harist99@...> wrote:
> adakah yang berhasil bikin account nya untuk beasiswa Tukey ini?
> saya kok selalu gagal, katanya " invalid paswword" padahal sudah betul password yang di masukkan
> demikian juga dengan kolom " jenis kelamin" meski sudah saya masukkan pilihan jenis kelamin meski di bilangnya " pilihan kosong"
> mohon sharenya
> thanks
> Â
> Haris Setyaningrum
> King Saud University Museum of Arthropod (KSMA)
> Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
> ________________________________
> Dari: marintan <dearmarintan@...>
> Kepada:
> Dikirim: Senin, 11 Maret 2013 11:26
> Judul: [beasiswa] [INFO] Beasiswa Pemerintah Turki (Turkiye Burslari) untuk S1, S2, dan S3
> Â
> Türkiye scholarships consist of these opportunities:
> ⢠Monthly Pocket Money
> - For Vocational School Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month
> - For Undergraduate Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month
> - For Master's Students 750 TL (approximately 450 USD) per month
> - For Ph.D. Students 1000 TL (approximately 575 USD) per month
> ⢠Housing
> Türkiye Scholarship students can stay in public university dormitories without paying anyfee. Students who do not want to stay in these dormitories can use other housing possibilities on their own expenses.
> ⢠Tuition Fee
> Türkiye Scholarship students do not pay any tuition or university fee for education.
> ⢠Health Expenses
> Türkiye Scholarship students are covered by public health insurance.
> ⢠Turkish Language Course
> Türkiye Scholarship Students take Turkish language course for one year if they do not have proof of Turkish Language knowledge. Students who are placed in departments which instruct in other languages than Turkish also must take Turkish Language Course.
> â¢Transportation
> Türkiye Scholarship students will get certain amount of money for their transportation expenses at their first arrival to Türkiye and departure after graduation from Türkiye.
> All nationalities (excepct Turkish) are eligible for this scholarships. Application deadline for Postgraduate and Doctoral programs: 31 March 2013. Application deadline for Undergraduate program: 31 May 2013. For further info about the scholarship, please proceed to the link below.
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