Please feel free to disseminate within your networks.
Aretha Aprilia.
The School provides three types of research grants:
1. Grants for esteemed visiting researchers
2. Grants for fellows, candidate fellows and post-docs of the school for
stays at universities and research institutes abroad
3. Grants for PhD candidates of the school for short stays at universities
research institutes abroad
1. Visiting researchers (continuous application)
The visiting researcher grant is meant for esteemed researchers with a PhD
degree, who will be hosted by a chair group of the School. The grant will cover
expenses up to 1500 € per month including travel costs. The grant will be
administered via the involved chair group. A visiting researcher may benefit
from a visiting researcher grant only once.
o Stay up to a maximum of 6 months
o Substantiated and clear added value to the research of the hosting group(s)
o Active contribution to the School and the WUR scientific community (e.g.
course, seminars, lecture, etc)
o Priority setting will be based upon:
Quality of the researcher (derived from CV and list of publications)
Proposed contribution to the activities of the School
Expected results in terms of establishing international networks or longer
lasting work relations
A short evaluation report (1/2 A4) describing concrete results will be sent to
the School after completion of the visit.
All fellows of the School may apply for these grants for visiting researchers by
sending the application form to the secretariat of the School including a CV and
a list of publications of the proposed visiting researcher.
2. Fellows, candidate fellows and post-docs of the School (continuous
Fellows and post-docs of the school may apply for a grant to finance or
co-finance a short stay at a prestigious university or research institute
abroad. The grant will cover expenses up to 1500 € per month including travel
costs and will be administered via the chair group.
o Stay preferably between 1 and 6 months
o Substantiated and clear added value to the research of the chair group and
o Expected results in terms of establishing international networks or longer
lasting work relations
o No other or not sufficient financial resources available (e.g. NWO travel
accommodation grant, project funding, chair group funding, HRM sabbatical leave,
o A short evaluation report (1/2 A4) describing concrete results will be sent
the School after completion of the visit .
All fellows of the School may apply for these grants for visiting researchers by
sending the application form to the secretariat of the School.
3. Grants for PhD candidates of the School (call for proposals)
International experience is considered to be a vital ingredient for a successful
academic career. Junior Researcher Grants are meant for PhD candidates of the
School who would like to go abroad for a short stay at another prestigious
university or research institute outside the Netherlands. The stay might be in
the framework of participation in an international PhD course or a visit to a
research group with similar research interests. Field work or other research
work which forms an integral part of the PhD project is not eligible for
funding. The grant will cover expenses up to 900 € per month with a total
maximum of 3500 € (including travel costs) and will be administered via the
chair group of the PhD.
o Approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP), an approved research project
proposal and a positive Go-decision
o Substantiated and clear added value to the research project of the
o Consent of the supervisor(s)
o The candidates who benefit from this programme are required to send a short
evaluation report (1/2 A4) describing the concrete results after completion of
the visit.
The School will open a call for proposals for grants for PhD candidates twice a
year in April and November (starting November 2010).
* * *
Aretha Aprilia
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