Buat yang studi di bidang lingkungan/energy/policy/urban/social/economics/other
related areas dan sedang mencari pengalaman kerja, internship di IGES-Japan
menjadi salah satu entry point yang menarik.
P.S. Akomodasi ditanggung oleh IGES.
Aretha Aprilia.
Internship at the International Global Environmental Strategies, Japan.
IGES is recruiting research interns for the Summer 2011 period (as stipulated
in our Charter of Establishment) with the aim of promoting understanding of
its strategic research. IGES internships offer an opportunity to gain on-site
work experience, and are aimed at those who wish to play a part in
policy research toward sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region.
1. Research Groups currently recruiting interns:
[IGES Hayama Headquarters]
Programme Management Office (PMO)
Adaptation Team (AD), Natural Resources Management Group (NRM)
Sustainable Consumption and Production Group (SCP)
[IGES Satellite Offices]
Kitakyushu Urban Centre(KUC)
2. Requirements:
Interns must:
Be postgraduates (location of graduate school does not matter).
Be willing to learn from the on-the-job training at IGES (the internship is
not a training programme for students to write an individual thesis, but
rather an opportunity to experience real strategic policy research and
operational activities).
Satisfy the individual criteria outlined in the "Internship Overview" for
the group with which you would like to spend your internship.
The research intern should be proficient enough in English for the purposes of
oral communication and writing of documents.
3. Content of training:
The research interns will collect information for, or draft documents related
their own research group. Work is supervised by the director of or training
for the group to which the intern belongs. Those who are selected for
internships will
be contacted by the relevant group director to discuss and agree on the specific
contents of training.
4. Term:
In principle, the internship should last a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of
3 months (and must fall between 1 April and 30 September 2011).
(actual term to be decided after discussion between the research intern and
their group)
5. Place of training:
(1)IGES Hayama Headquarters
2108-11, Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0115 Japan
(2)IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre
International Village Center 2F 1-1-1, Hirano,
Yahata-Higashi-Ku, Kitakyushu City, 805 0062 Japan
6. Conditions:
(1)Working Hours: Five days per week in principle (9:30-18:00)
(2)Holidays: Saturday, Sunday and national holidays
a) IGES Hayama Headquarters
When the research intern cannot commute from his/her current residence to the
he/she will be able to use the accommodation at IGES headquarters free of charge
if there are vacant rooms (telephone charges will be at the research intern's
own expense).
b) IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre
If the research intern cannot commute from his/her current residence to the
his/her will be able to use accommodation chosen by IGES. IGES will cover the
room rent,
although utility charges, telephone charges, and any extra charges for
additional services,
will be at the research intern's own expense.
(4)Travel expenses:
a) If the research intern commutes from his/her residence in Japan, IGES (in
with regulations) will cover the travel expenses necessary for the daily
b) Travel expenses will be covered for interns who are receiving training at the
Urban Centre and require accommodation chosen by IGES. IGES (in accordance with
will cover expenses incurred by the intern's daily commute to work.
c) IGES does not cover expenses incurred for travel between the research
intern's home
and the accommodation they are using during their internship period.
7. Application:
Prepare the application form in English and submit it with the other required
to the e-mail account below.
Send to: Research Supporting Section
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
e-mail address: iges-firsttermintern2011@iges.or.jp <preferred>
Documents to be submitted:
(a) "Institute for Global Environmental Strategies: Internship Application"
specified by IGES
(b) Recommendation from your academic supervisor or equivalent.
(c) Any other documents required in the "Internship Overview" document for the
you are applying for.
8. Period of Application:
5 (Wed.) – 31 (Mon.) January 2011
9. Selection Process:
We will decide whether or not to accept candidates based on their applications
our email communication with them. There is a limit to the number of research
who will be accepted. IGES will contact only the successful applicants in
Please note in advance that we will not contact applicants who have not been
for an internship.
For more details and application form, please visit the webpage below.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
"The world is way too magnificent to settle for mediocrity, let's strive for
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