Home University = Universitas dimana kita sedang study di Indonesia (kalau mau apply sbg exchange student) atau Universitas dimana kita lulus di Indonesia (kalau sudah alumni)
--- In beasiswa@yahoogroups.com, Teuku Rengga Felamona <teuku_rengga@...> wrote:
> Halo Mas Iwan and member lainnya:
> Saya Rengga dan sedang mencari PhD scholarships yang sesuai buat saya. Melihat
> EU-Nice project saya jadi tertarik, tetapi di form application nya ada
> menyebutkan "Home University". Apa ini maksudnya kira2? Apakah kita harus
> menjadi pegawai di salah satu universitas (i.e., dosen) baru bisa apply?
> Mohon Pencerahannya
> Â Teuku Rengga Felamona
> ________________________________
> From: Iwan Adhicandra <iwan@...>
> To: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Fri, January 7, 2011 9:53:47 AM
> Subject: [beasiswa] [INFO] EU-NICE, Erasmus Mundus Action 2 for Asian
> Â
> Welcome to the EU-NICE project !
> EU-NICE is a mobility project funded under the Erasmus Mundus Action 2
> Partnership (EMA2) coordinated by the Sapienza University of Rome. The project
> is aimed at fostering scientific cooperation in the field of earthquake
> mitigation between European and Asian Higher Education Institutions. The
> scholarship programme is open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China,
> Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North
> Korea, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who want to study or work at one of the five
> European partner universities in Italy, Greece and Portugal.
> The project is also supported by a number of associate organizations active in
> earthquake risk mitigation and international development.
> A total number of 104 mobilities will be involved in scientific activities at
> the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff level.
> The on-line application is now open, the deadline is January 31st, 2011.
> http://www.eu-nice.eu/
> Application form:
> http://www.eu-nice.eu/Apply.aspx?Application=true
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