Tuesday, September 30, 2014

[beasiswa] [info] PhD Student Position in Security at LORIA Lab.


Title: Automated analysis of privacy risks in social networks       Most of social network users are unaware of the risks involved in publishing and exchanging personal data on social networks.   Even though there is an awareness, they do not know how to properly setup the security settings to protect their personal data.   Recent studies show that half of users have published data, exposing them to the threat of information breaches. Hence the urgent   need for users to be assisted by new environments to detect and minimize the spread and use of personal information.      LORIA Lab in Nancy, France, proposes a PhD thesis that will lay the foundation for a risk verification environment on privacy in   social networks. Given relations of social graph, this environment will rely on the study of metrics to characterize the security   level for a user. Next, by combining symbolic and statistical techniques, it is a question to synthesize a model of risk behavior   as a rule base. Finally, a verifier à la model checking will be developed to assess the security level of user.      We invite applications from candidates who:      - Have a solid background in probability and statistics;   - Have a solid background in computer science or a related discipline;  - Have been trained in areas such as information retrieval, data mining, and web data management;  - Are able to rapidly prototype Web applications with a modern technology stack;  - Are interested in contributing to open-source software projects;  - Have a passion to collaborate in inter-disciplinary research, and the academic skills to be part of     a research team aiming to make a high impact.      The contract duration is 3 years for PhD student.       For more information about this position, please contact:      	Dr. Abdessamad IMINE, phone: +33 3 54 95 85 35 ,                               e-mail: Abdessamad.Imine@loria.fr      	Dr. Chedy Raissi, e-mail: Chedy.Raissi@loria.fr              To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application to:      	Dr. Abdessamad IMINE, e-mail: Abdessamad.Imine@loria.fr      	Dr. Chedy Raissi, e-mail: Chedy.Raissi@loria.fr      The closing date for applications is October 15, 2014.


Posted by: Tri Kurniawan Wijaya <trikurniawanwijaya@yahoo.com>
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