Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[beasiswa] [INFO] Mau diterima sekolah ke universitas ternama di luar negeri? Ayo ikuti Program Mentorship Indonesia Mengglobal 2015!!! [1 Attachment]

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Setelah sukses dengan program mentorship tahun lalu, Indonesia Mengglobal kembali menghadirkan Program Mentorship di tahun 2015 ini. Dalam program gratis ini kami memasangkan 30 orang calon mahasiswa  (mentee) dengan mahasiswa atau alumni  (mentor) dengan latar belakang yang sesuai, yang telah berkomitmen memberikan masukan dan saran yang spesifik sesuai dengan latar belakang dan tujuan masing-masing mentee. Dalam waktu beberapa bulan ke depan, para mentee akan mengerjakan tugas secara online serta mendapatkan bimbingan dari para mentor untuk membantu dalam persiapan melamar ke universitas impian mereka.

Kami berharap dapat mengatasi hambatan terbesar yang dihadapi calon mahasiswa Indonesia dalam melamar ke universitas di luar negeri, yaitu kurangnya informasi dan inspirasi. Saat diharuskan mengambil tes-tes seperti TOEFL, GMAT, atau GRE, menulis esai, atau menyertakan surat rekomendasi, banyak yang masih bertanya-tanya dan memerlukan bimbingan dari orang Indonesia lain yang telah berhasil melalui proses aplikasi tersebut dengan sukses. Sistem pendidikan formal di Indonesia memang tidak diarahkan untuk mempersiapkan lulusannya berkuliah ke luar negeri. Ada banyak institusi lain yang bisa memberikan bimbingan tapi dengan mengenakan biaya yang tidak sedikit, sampai ribuan dolar.

Tahun ini Program Mentorship Indonesia Mengglobal juga memberikan beasiswa untuk 30 mentee yang terpilih. Kami mendapatkan bantuan dana dari EducationUSA di bawah Kedutaan besar Amerika Serikat yang akan menyediakan beasiswa kepada para mentee yang ingin mendaftar ke perguruan tinggi AS. Oleh karena itu, 20 dari 30 mentee yang diseleksi tahun ini akan dialokasikan untuk mahasiswa yang akan mendaftar ke Amerika. Dengan bantuan EducationUSA, mentee ini akan mendapatkan beasiswa sebesar $200 dan juga pengembalian biaya aplikasi visa Amerika (US student visa application fee reimbursement) senilai $200. Tentunya, dalam saat yang sama mentee ini juga bisa mendaftar ke perguruan tinggi di negara lain. 10 mentee yang tidak mendaftar ke Amerika akan mendapatkan beasiswa $100 melalui penggalangan dana crowdfunding kami sendiri. Dana ini dapat digunakan untuk membayar biaya aplikasi sekolah dan biaya-biaya tes seperti TOEFL, SAT, atau GRE. Beasiswa ini diharapkan dapat meringankan beban calon mahasiswa, sehingga mereka dapat fokus untuk mendaftar ke universitas yang terbaik bagi mereka.

Indonesia Mengglobal juga ingin menyampaikan terima kasih yang mendalam bagi semua donor yang akan menyumbang untuk program ini. Anda semua telah memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi kemajuan pendidikan anak bangsa Indonesia.  Anda merupakan wujud nyata dari pernyataan "Pendidikan berkualitas adalah tanggung jawab kita semua."

Kami sangat bangga dengan kesuksesan para mentee tahun lalu yang telah berhasil diterima di berbagai universitas terkemuka dunia, dan kami yakin bahwa para mentee tahun ini akan mencapai kesuksesan serupa. Berikut adalah sekolah-sekolah di mana mentee tahun lalu telah diterima atau diberi conditional offer.

Universitas, NegaraProgram
New York University, USAMaster of Digital Marketing
University of Toyama, JepangMaster Program in Pharmaceutical Science, Institute of Natural Medicine
University of Washington, USAGlobal Executive MBA
Leeds University, InggrisMSc International Business
NCU Taiwan, TaiwanEarth Science
University of Oxford, InggrisSynthetic Biology Doctoral Training Center
Lund University, SwediaMaster's Programme in Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation
University of Tennessee, USAMaster of Public Health, Health Policy and Management
University of Melbourne, AustraliaMaster of Development Studies-Health Focus
Monash University, AustraliaMaster of Science
Lund University, SwediaMaster of Science in International Development and Management
The University of Tokyo, JepangMaster of Civil Engineering
TU Delft Management of Technology, Belanda
University of Warwick, InggrisMaster in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
University of Adelaide, AustraliaMaster in Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
University of Southern California (USC), USAMaster in Social Entrepreneurship
Durham University Business School, InggrisMaster in Islamic Finance
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USAMaster of Business Administration
Colorado School of Mines, USAMaster in Petroleum Economics and Management
TU Delft, BelandaMaster in Petroleum Engineering

Mentee Indonesia Mengglobal tahun lalu juga telah berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa ataupun bantuan finansial untuk studi mereka di luar negeri. Beberapa diantaranya adalah LPDP, Fulbright, dan Australia Awards Scholarship.

Beberapa mentor yang terlibat dalam kesuksesan mentee tahun lalu diantaranya adalah:

Andhika FajriManchester Business School
Ariana AlisjahbanaBoston University
Azalea AyuningtyasHarvard School of Public Health
Belinda TanotoHarvard Business School
Hafida FahmiasariHanzehogeschool Groningen
Ignasius Ryan HasimUniversity of Bath
Marco ArmandoHokkaido University
Stevia AngestyStanford University
Syawalianto RahmaputroEcole des Mines de Nantes
Tanya TetserawatiDuke University
Tirza GraciaUniversity of Melbourne
Wina TjenUniversity of Cambridge, UIUC

Pendaftaran dibuka secara online sampai dengan tanggal 14 Juni 2015 pukul 17.00 WIB. Kami mengundang calon mahasiswa untuk segera mendaftar sebagai mentee dengan mengisi formulir ini.

Kami juga mengundang para mahasiswa dan alumni universitas luar negeri untuk mendaftar sebagai mentor dengan mengisi formulir ini.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi halaman 'Program Mentorship 2015; Yang sering ditanyakan'.

Informasi mengenai program tahun 2014 lalu dapat dilihat di Forum Indonesia Mengglobal.

Berikut adalah beberapa testimoni dari para mentee tahun lalu:

"Indonesia Mengglobal bagi saya bukan hanya tempat untuk sekedar mencari mentor dan mendapatkan saran untuk proses aplikasi sekolah impian saya. IM adalah sebuah wadah yang membuat saya tidak merasa sendirian, karena banyak sekali anak-anak Indonesia yang sedang berjuang dan mau membantu satu sama lain." – Rizkyana

"This program has helped me a lot not only in thinking about my real motivation to decide to pursue higher education but also in being realistic about what school to choose and strategizing to get the best. My mentor and group coordinator also helped in building my confidence and especially good habit to have: do your own research before asking anything. Many thanks to mentors, donors, and organizers." – Eltina

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. Why preparation? because studying abroad will definitely require a good planning and preparation. Bersama Indonesia Mengglobal Mentorship Program 2014 sebagai mentee, saya merasakan bantuan yang luar biasa dalam melakukan persiapan untuk apply ke sekolah impian saya. It has been a great experience! Mulai dari persiapan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan hingga koreksi essay yang akan diajukan. Tim IM dan mentornya juga sangat interaktif dan responsif dalam menjawab pertanyaan dan memberikan banyak tips and tricks seputar pengajuan aplikasi ke sekolah hingga seputar kehidupan di negara tujuan. Bantuan beasiswanya juga memudahkan saya untuk membayar biaya admission fee pada saat mendaftar ke universitas tujuan. Alhamdulillah, berkat persiapan yang hebat dari Tim IM dan mentor saya yaitu Kak Ignasius Ryan, kini saya telah diterima di Durham University jurusan MSc Islamic Finance. Akhirnya impian saya kini tercapai dan selamat datang 'Studying Abroad'! Terima kasih Indonesia Mengglobal." – Nur

"This mentorship is very helpful for Indonesian students who plan to study abroad. The mentors are really supportive, giving advice and feedback to the mentees. I personally think that this program may give positive contribution towards education and development of Indonesia." – Senda

"Indonesia Mengglobal's mentorship program has helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses for graduate application. It sharpened my vision and put me in a good shape to pursue my higher education." – Darus

"Mentorship program by Indonesia Mengglobal is an excellent way of preparing my school application. I proved that comprehensive assignments, personal consultation with the best mentor, and scholarship offered by this program, succeeded in helping me achieve my dream school. Because I do believe that every excellent student has a right to be chosen by the best school, I highly recommend you all to try this program. " – Ari

"The detailed guide and slide given in the very beginning, along with well-ordered assignments accomplished under the guidance of my mentor and IM team, keep me in track in preparing my application." – Siannie

"Overall this program is well run. The strict assignment deadlines prepared me well prior to applying to schools. Inspiring mentors, dedicated team, relevant assignments – all of them are the best college application assistants. I couldn't ask for more." – Mega

"The mentorship program is great. The mentors are very helpful and always support the mentees during the appplication process. All the assignments are very useful to help me prepare all documents and requirements such as the essays, recommendation letters, and standardized tests for university entrance.

I would also like to thank the mentorship team who has organized this mentorship program and all my mentors for giving suggestions, advice, and guidance during my application process." – Laksmi

"The program enables me to rigorously understand what things I should prepare for my application. Also, I have a great mentor from whom I was given many insights & precious experiences. The connections I got from my international donor were also of great value for me since I never had international friends who come from prestigious universities. Thank you Indonesia Mengglobal!" – Yozef

"Mentorship IM has helped me find a gorgeous mentor to guide me in creating good essay. I also got more friends who inspired me to keep on track getting admission to overseas university :) " – Ayu

"This program helped me a lot. The program content and structure (i.e. assignments) helped me plan for everything needed for me to apply for studying abroad. My mentor also helped me understand how to create a good application which needed to be well structured with one general idea, and every part of the application complete each other as a whole story." – Angku

"Mentorship Program drove me to prepare my MBA applications earlier, so that I felt more ready and confident to apply to my dream schools. My mentor is genuinely helpful and supportive. Thanks a lot Indonesia Mengglobal Team!" – Zikril

"I am very grateful joining the IM program that helped me prepare step by step how to apply to universities abroad. Although this time my results were not good enough, I believe that it will be very helpful for me next time because I am still planning to study abroad. Thank you to the committee, mentor, and donors who really worked hard in supporting the program" – Novia

"I really feel the benefit of this program, on how the mentees can communicate intensively with the mentor and vice versa. I also love the assignments since it 'forces' me to manage my application with good time manner." – Resi

"Overall, this mentorship is an outstanding programme. It helps me realize the importance of preparation. By using internet-based communication, it was the easiest way to contact the mentor and communicate effectively." – Dewi"I realized IM mentorship program was not only a mentorship program but it was memorable program. I met with the best mentor ever. She impressed me with her friendliness and responsiveness. I would confidently say that IM is a sophisticated platform where I could learn a lot and get insights from my coolest mentor. Finally my dream come true, I got a scholarship to continue my Master program abroad. Thanks IM Mentorship and my mentor." – Ikhsan

"In the beginning, I do not believe my potential to continue master degree but my mentor has helped me dig into my strengths and express them through well-structured essay. Not only that, my sponsor also really cares about my progress. Thank you mentorship program from Indonesia Mengglobal" – Syaban

"While it is painful to manage study plan from scratch by ourselves, IM Mentorship effectively narrows down essential points I need to do, thus helping me ease my burdens. Additionally, having someone who can provide personal feedback and advice on what we have done is very very valuable" – Aris

Eltina Hutahaean


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