Sunday, December 20, 2009

[lowongan-beasiswa] Sweden : Four Positions for PhD study in the Field of Computer Architecture and Implementation


The High-Performance Computer Architecture and VLSI research groups are conducting research on design principles for the next generations of mainstream as well as embedded high-performance computers. The primary objective of the research performed in the groups is to deliver high computational performance while expending as little energy as possible. Both groups have a solid track record in contributing to design principles of high-performance and low-power computers.

Chalmers is a partner in the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence, and the two groups participate in two European projects that focus on multi-core architectures.

Job description
Reference number REF 2009/219

CHAMPP (Chalmers Adaptive Multicore Processing Project) is being launched to study new multi-core systems that not only allow the performance of each new processor generation to increase, but to do this in an energy-efficient manner. Architectural components will adapt to their workloads so that processor and memory resources can be used more effectively.. To this end, we are recruiting four PhD students to work on the following topics:

    * Accelerator core architecture design
    * Reconfigurable accelerator design
    * Tile memory design
    * Adaptable energy-efficient cache coherence protocols

Required qualifications

Applicants shall have a Master's Degree or equivalent (such as the Swedish Civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Engineering or in a related discipline.

Further details:

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