Saya pernah mengalami hal yang sama.
Pertama, kontak beliau, meminta kesediaannya untuk membuatkan surat rekomendasi. Bila dia setuju, kirimkan CV atau profil diri kamu, terutama point2 yang kamu ingin supaya ditulis oleh Dekan dalam surat rekomendasinya.
Karena dia tidak mengenal kamu, maka isi surat rekomendasi tsb seharusnya sih diambil dari CV / profil, iya ga?
- yansen
--- In beasiswa@yahoogroup
> Dear milister,
> Saya ingin menanyakan bagaimana harus membuat surat rekomendasi dari seseorang (dekan) yang sebelumnya tidak kenal dan tidak pernah ikut kelasnya karena beda jurusan? (dalam hal ini saya disyaratkan untuk membuat 2 rekomendasi letter, satu dari dekan (selama ini saya belum pernah tatap muka) dan satu lagi dari pembimbing). Saya sudah search google tapi seluruhnya menggambarkan applicant dengan kondisi yang sudah mengenal. Mohon bantuan dan pencerahannya. terimakasih
> salam,
> Permai
> ------------
> Permai Sari Molyana Yusuf
> Pondok Sukmajaya Permai
> Blok DV/6 Depok
> Jawa Barat 16412
> Indonesia
> +62 813 8754 2425
> +62 21 770 3180
> ------------
> ____________
> From: Dono Widiatmoko <D.Widiatmoko@
> To: beasiswa@yahoogroup
> Sent: Sun, November 22, 2009 1:44:09 AM
> Subject: [beasiswa] [info] PhD Studentships - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
> Ph.D. Scholarships
> International Relations/Internati onal Political Economy and Comparative Area Studies
> German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
> Universität Hamburg, Regional Powers
> Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers Fundamental shifts within the global and regional architecture of power are expected in the coming decades. However, the new global and regional configurations of the twenty-first century are currently only partially understood. The newly established Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers analyzes the emerging power shifts among non-European regions and states, related conflicts with respect to regional leadership within these regions as well as competition for spheres of influence, and the global formation of governance structures among new regional powers and the "old" powers of the OECD world. Within the school, applications are being invited for
> 8 Ph.D. scholarships
> starting 1 April 2010, for a duration of three years. The programme is open to young academics in the fields of international relations/internati onal political economy and comparative area studies. Applicants must have an excellent M.A. or equivalent degree in hand by the time of appointment. We strongly encourage young candidates from abroad to apply.
> Interested persons should send a letter of interest, their CV, an abstract and the table of contents of their M.A. thesis or diploma, a longer (max. 10 pages) outline of their planned Ph.D. project, copies of all relevant academic certificates (M.A., B.A., etc.), and two letters of recommendation to the following address: Regional Powers, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg
> The GIGA promotes gender equality and actively encourages applications from women. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration in those areas in which they are underrepresented.
> Further particulars can be found at http://www.giga- index.php? file=jobs. html&folder= jobs.
> For informal inquiries, please contact PD Dr. Dirk Nabers (nabers@giga-, Head of Research Programme 4: Power, Norms and Governance in International Relations
> Screening of applications will begin on 03 January 2010.
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