15 PhD Fellowships in Cerebellar Research within the Initial Training Network Cerebellar Cortical Control: Cells, Circuits, Computation, and Clinic (C7)
University College London - Marie Curie Initial Training Network (FP7)
To start 1st November 2009
C7 (Cerebellar Cortical Control: Cells, Circuits, Computation, and Clinic) is a multi-national doctoral training network for the interdisciplinary study of the cerebellum. It is supported by the European Commission, 7th Framework Programme, through Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.
The C7 network brings together 9 research groups to form a European Institute that will enable a truly interdisciplinary study of the cerebellum. C7 provides a unique training experience for young researchers in systems neuroscience spanning traditional departmental boundaries. Recognizing the importance of technological innovation and it's commercial potential, the C7 network is joined by 5 industrial partners, each developing cutting-edge technology for research and clinical applications. The PhD students (ESR: Early Stage Researchers) and postdocs (ER: Experienced Researchers to be appointed in the forthcoming months) will develop advanced expertise in electrophysiology, behavioural and clinical research, computational modeling and neuroimaging to answer important questions of functioning of the cerebellum. C7 includes two clinical research centres and two patient organizations, promoting the transfer of insights from basic science to clinical practice. In sum, C7 will provide a unique interdisciplinary training environment necessary for a new understanding of the cerebellum.
In general, the appointed Research Fellows should have a degree and/or further research experience in biology/physiology, psychology, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering or related disciplines. We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated individuals who will be able to thrive in a highly interdisciplinary and challenging environment and who will feel at ease interacting with scientists in different disciplines.
Person specification:
Researchers must be nationals of a State other than that of the host organisation. At the start of their fellowship/activity
Early Stage researchers
Are expected to register for a PhD
Should have less than 4 years of research experience after their undergraduate degree
Should not hold a PhD
There will be specific requirements depending upon the positions available. More details of the projects/posts will be advertised in the C7 website (http://www.cerebell
The EC contribution towards a Marie Curie Fellow's living allowance is as follows: 34 500 per year. This contribution varies in different countries, according to the correction coefficient used for EC civil servants in the country where appointed.
Please note that the EC contribution is a gross amount and that institutional on costs and taxes will have to be deducted from this fixed contribution.
Mobility, travel and exploratory career allowances are also paid in addition to the above salary.
For further information see our website (http://www.cerebell
Partner institutions and positions available:
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON, United Kingdom: 1 PhD studentship and 1 postdoc (contact Dr. Jörn Diedrichsen j.diedrichsen@
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON, United Kingdom: 1 PhD studentship (contact Prof. Michael Hausser m.hausser@ucl.
BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV, Israel: 1 PhD studentship and 1 postdoc (in collaboration with Alpha-Omega Engineering, contact Dr. Opher Donchin donchin@bgu.
EBERHARD-KARLS UNIVERSITY TÜBINGEN, Germany: 2 PhD studentships (contact Prof. Peter Their thier@uni-tuebingen
UNIVERSITY OF DUISBURG-ESSEN, Germany: 2 PhD studentships (contact Prof. Dagmar Timmann dagmar.timmann-
UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP, Belgium: 2 PhD studentships (contact Prof. Erik De Schutter erik.deschutter@
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom: 2 PhD studentships (contact Prof. Chris Miall r.c.miall@bham.
KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSE AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands: 2 PhD studentships (contact Prof. Chris de Zeeuw c.dezeeuw@erasmusmc
ALPHA OMEGA ENGINEERING, Israel: 1 postdoc (in collaboration with Ben-Gurion University, contact Imad Younis i.younis@alphaomega
Start date:
Position start between December 2009 and October 2010.
Closing date:
Application deadlines vary between institutions, and you are advised to contact each partner as soon as possible. Please check our website http://www.cerebell
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