Tuesday, November 3, 2009

[beasiswa] [INFO] Doctoral Research Fellowship (the New Media in Asia and/or the Middle East


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*Doctoral Research Fellowship (the New Media in Asia and/or the Middle

1017) *within the new media in Asia and/or the Middle East

is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo.

The successful candidate is expected to study the use of new media and communication technologies (including the Internet, satellite TV, and mobile phones) in Asia and/or the Middle East and their impact in the social, political, religious and/or cultural domains. The fellowship is open to projects from a wide range of disciplinary and methodological approaches to the study of new media. Comparative and/or multidisciplinary projects will be considered positively. Projects grounded in fieldwork in the region will be considered favourably. It is expected that the candidate analyzes primarily data in one or several of the region's languages. Candidates must therefore demonstrate advanced active skills in at least one relevant Asian and/or Middle Eastern language.

//The position is available for a period of three years.

The successful candidate is expected to affiliate with the existing research milieu or network and to contribute to the further development of this. For information about the department we refer to http://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/english/.

If the applicant has worked as a doctoral research fellow previously to being hired at the Faculty of Humanities, that period of time will be deducted from the allotted 3 year period.

Candidates who are accepted must participate in the Faculty of Humanities' researcher education programme (cf. regulations and supplementary provisions for the faculty's researcher education) and must also engage in the designated research activities on a 100 percent basis. The designated aim of the project is to complete a doctoral dissertation to be defended at a public disputation for the Ph.D.-degree.


· A 5 year Master degree, or equivalent, in an area relevant to the topic of the doctoral dissertation.

In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the quality of the project description and on the assumed academic and personal ability on the part of the candidates to complete the dissertation within the given time frame. The short-listed candidates may be called for an interview at the University of Oslo.

Guidelines for appointments to research fellowships at the Faculty of Humanities may be obtained at http://www.hf.uio.no/english/research/doctor/index.html.

The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more women in academic positions.
Women are encouraged to apply.

The University of Oslo also has a goal of recruiting more immigrants to Norway in academic positions. Immigrants are encouraged to apply.

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.

<http://www.admin.uio.no/opa/ledige-stillinger/> <http://www.uio.no/admhb/reglhb/personal/tilsettingvitenskapelig/ansettelsesvilkar/index.xml>


For further information, contact:
Research director IKOS: Rune Svarverud, tel: + 47 22 85 69 82, e-mail: rune.svarverud@ikos.uio.no <mailto:rune.svarverud@ikos.uio.no>.
Research administration IKOS: Cecilie Lilleheil, tel: + 47 22 84 40 47, e-mail: c.w.lilleheil@ikos.uio.no <mailto:c.w.lilleheil@ikos.uio.no>.

Closing date: December 15, 2009

Ref.no: 2009/16827

Government wage scale: 45-52 (depending on level of expertise, NOK 355 600 - NOK 401 500 per annum)

Applicants must email the following material in doc-, rtf- or pdf-format to stillinger@hf.uio.no/jobbsoknad@hf.uio.no <mailto:stillinger@hf.uio.no/jobbsoknad@hf.uio.no>:

- Letter of application describing qualifications

- A list of published and unpublished works

- Curriculum vitae with grades

- Project description, including a detailed progress plan for the project (maximum 5 pages, see Guidelines for project descriptions: http://www.hf.uio.no/english/research/doctor/projectdescription.html)

Educational certificates, master theses and the like are not to be submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to submit such information or works later.





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