Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Re: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa S2 LN


Mungkin informasi berikut ini bisa di coba..
Dear colleagues,
If you know of any potential Indonesian candidates that would be interested in Kent's MA/MSC degrees in Ethnobotany or Environmental Anthropology, or a PhD in Ethnobiology or Anthropology, please forward the scholarship information below, and ask them to checkout our website and contact me.  Please forward as well, Thanks,
best wishes,
Rajindra K. Puri, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Anthropology
Director, Centre for Biocultural Diversity
School of Anthropology and Conservation
Marlowe Building
University of Kent at Canterbury
Canterbury, Kent   CT2 7NR
United Kingdom
T: (+44)-1227- 823148
F: (+44)-1227- 827289
E: R.K.Puri@kent.ac.uk
W: http://www.kent.ac.uk/sac/staff-profiles/profiles/environ-anthropology/academic-staff/puri_rajindra.html

The Indonesia-UK DIKTI scholarship programme (DIKTI) opened in June 2013 and will see up to  750 Indonesian scholars research their PhD or master's degree at participating UK higher education
institutions over the next five years.
The scholarships will cover three years of PhD study fully funded by the Indonesian government including tuition fees, accommodation and stipend. A small number of master's students will also be granted scholarships for 1 or 2 years.
The scholarship programme is open to permanent or prospective faculty members at Indonesian universities and administrative staff employed by DIKTI or Indonesian state universities.
All academic disciplines and research areas will be funded under the programme and researchers can apply to any participating UK higher education institutions.
Currently 77 UK higher education institutions are signed up, but the programme is still open for additional institutions to join. If your institution wishes to take part, or if you have additional questions, please contact Peter O'Reilly, the DIKTI Scholarship Coordinator at dikti@international.ac.uk for more information.
If you are a scholar in Indonesia and need help identifying courses or universities in the UK  please consult our websitehttp://www.international.ac.uk/dikti or contact Peter O'Reilly at dikti@international.ac.uk
More information about the programme can be found at http://www.international.ac.uk/dikti andhttp://www.facebook.com/dikti.scholarships

From: "ci2lpure@yahoo.com" <ci2lpure@yahoo.com>
To: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa S2 LN

Dear all,

Sy lulusan angkatan 99 S1 Biology. Setelah lulus sy lgs mendapatkan pekerjaan sd skr. Sdh 2 thn ini sy tertarik unt apply beasisiwa S2 LN dan sd saat ini sy masi mencari bdg studi yg cocok. Yg menjadi keraguan dan kekhawatiran sy adl apakah masih layak unt apply beasiswa. Mdh2an blm terlambat mengingat waktu kelulusan sy yg sdh ckp lama shg terkadang sering muncul tidak pede dan tdk kebranian sy unt ikut serta. Jika ada teman2 yg punya pengalaman spt sy mhn dishare dan langkah2 apa yg sy hrs lakukan. Terima Kasih.

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: Milliza Anwar <amilliza@yahoo.com>
Sender: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:50:52 +0800 (SGT)
To: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com<beasiswa@yahoogroups.com>
ReplyTo: beasiswa@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] contoh proposal riset Matemtaika S2

Dear All...

Kalau ada diantara kawan-kawan semua yang punya  contoh proposal riset untuk apply S2 LN di bidang Matematika, mohon di share ya..

Best Regards


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