Call for applications: PhD Programs 2012
Doctoral Programs
Competitions for admission are open in the following Ph.D. Programs at IMT:
Computer Science and Engineering
The doctoral program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge about the foundations of informatics and information engineering, and about their application to a variety of systems in many different domains. The program introduces new perspectives in formulating and solving technical challenges that are currently a target of very active research areas. The research activity focuses on key aspects of informatics and information engineering such as open end-ness, dynamics and control, autonomy, security, concurrency, cost-effectiveness, quality of services, dependability, optimization, and is concerned especially with the application to networked and large-scale systems with high degrees of interaction.
Economics,Markets, Institutions
The program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth.
A distinctive feature of the PhD program is the strong integration of theoretical, technical and pratical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy.
Theoretical methodologies and models are tested through the methodical/systematic investigation of real world cases. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.
Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino
The program aims at formalizing in a consistent multidisciplinary course, specific know-hows needed by researchers and professionals operating at the highest levels of management of culture and cultural heritage. The PhD program rests on three main educational pillars: historical/humanistic, economical/managerial, juridical, which are cut across by a technological area that focuses on IT applications commonly used for the valorization and fruition of cultural heritage.
the PhD program integrates the theoretical approach with the technical and pratical ones, in order to educate both highly qualified professional operating in the concrete field of cultural policy and researchers who will be active in the field of cultural heritage.
Institutions, Politics and Policies
Ph.D. in collaboration with Libera Università degli Studi Sociali "Guido Carli"
The PhD in Institutions, Politics and Policies is a multidisciplinary course analyzing political institutions, politics and policies from the point of view of history and political science, and to a lesser extent economics and law. It adopts a comparative perspective, and pays particular attention to processes of change over time. It aims at forming analysis able to: understand and, if possible, channel processes of transformation of politics and political institutions; plan and manage public policies, assessing their impact; confront their specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.
Duration: 3 years
Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.
Classes begin in February 2012.
The deadline for applications is September 28, 2011 at 18:00 (Italian time).
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