Thursday, September 5, 2013

[beasiswa] [INFO] Arryman Fellowship Award for Indonesian Students at Northwestern University in USA, 2014


The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) is offering Arryman Fellowship for Indonesian graduate students holding an S1 or S2 degree. This award is an innovative "1+6" educational scholarship leading to the doctoral degree at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA). This six-year award covers the second phase of the "1+6" design. Arryman Scholars receive full tuition, a stipend for living expenses, travel and research support, as well as other funding to advance their scholarly development. December 31, 2013 is the application deadline.

Study Subject(s): ISRSF seeks applicants in the fields of political science, history, law, journalism and communications, anthropology, sociology, or economic development studies.
Course Level: This award is an innovative "1+6" educational scholarship leading to the doctoral degree at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA).
Scholarship Provider: The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF)
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

-Indonesian citizens preferably 35 years or younger.
-College or university graduates with a strong record of performance in their S1 or S2 degree program.
-A deep commitment to becoming a world-class scholar devoted to an academic career of teaching, research, and publication.
-A minimum iBT TOEFL score of 70 (test date no earlier than June 1, 2012).

Scholarship Open for International Students: Indonesian citizens can apply for this fellowship.

Scholarship Description: The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation's main objective is to cultivate a new generation of world-class Indonesian scholars and provide on-going support for innovative research and knowledge on important societal issues. ISRSF believes that a deliberate effort focused on producing committed scholars will significantly increase the number of Indonesian academics who are not only devoted to teaching, but also to path-breaking research and publication. To achieve this important goal, ISRSF will recruit, train, and graduate twenty innovative scholars focused mainly in the social sciences, but also doctorates in law, business, journalism and communications, and economic development studies. Each year until 2016 we will select four talented Indonesians who show great potential to become leading scholars. These Arryman Fellows will spend one year conducting research, studying English intensively, and taking graduate classes for credit in preparation for doctoral studies. Arryman Fellows are then eligible to receive six-year awards from ISRSF as Arryman Scholars to pursue their Ph.D at Northwestern University in Chicago, USA.

Number of award(s): Each year until 2016 ISRSF will select four talented Indonesians who show great potential to become leading scholars.

Duration of award(s): The duration of the award is for six years.

What does it cover? Arryman Fellows who are successfully admitted during their First year to a Northwestern Ph.D. program are eligible to become Arryman Scholars. This six-year award covers the second phase of the "1+6" design. Arryman Scholars receive full tuition, a stipend for living expenses, travel and research support, as well as other funding to advance their scholarly development.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

 Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline to submit your application is December 31, 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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