Thursday, October 29, 2009

[beasiswa] [INFO]PhD position in ecological monitoring by satellite remote sensing and forest change modelling


Dear colleagues,
Dear Bioingénieur,

Could you please transfer this information to any interested person.
We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate to take part in an international research project whose goal is to predict the evolution of carbon stocks and fluxes in Central African forests. The project will involve both ecological monitoring by satellite remote-sensing and deforestation modelling. The PhD candidate will be based in the Geomatics and Environmetrics Laboratory of the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) and will interact closely with project partners in Ghent and Paris.

Kind regards,

Pierre Defourny and Emmanuel Hanert

The Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and Geomatics of the
Department of Environmental Sciences and Land Use Planning, Université
catholique de Louvain, is opening a
PhD position in ecological monitoring by satellite
remote sensing and forest change modelling
(48 months)
The research will involve both processing 10-year SPOT-Vegetation time series
(satellite data) to derive and analyse the vegetation phenology trends at global scale,
and developing a forest cover change model for Central Africa. The phenology results
and the GIS model outputs will be used in the vegetation model ORCHIDEE to improve
our understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle and forecast its evolution under
different land-use and climate change scenarios.
Supported by the Federal Science Policy Office, the PhD research will take place within
the VEGECLIM project involving the Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and
Geomatics (UCL, coordinator), the laboratory of Plant Ecology (UGent) and the
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE, Paris). The project
will provide quantitative estimates of the carbon stocks and fluxes in Africa and more
particularly in central African forests.
The candidate will be :
- graduated as bioengineer or equivalent ;
- trained in remote sensing, geomatics and/or time series analysis ;
- fluent in french and english ;
- eligible and motivated to complete a PhD thesis ;
- able to actively contribute to an international research effort.
Additional experiences in remote sensing, image processing, land-cover change
modelling and travels in African countries are most welcomed. Regular visits to UGent
and LSCE are expected.
For any complementary information, please contact Pr. Emmanuel Hanert
(Emmanuel.Hanert@uclouvain) or Pr. Pierre Defourny (
The interested candidates are invited to send a detailed curriculum vitae and a
motivation letter in a paper format and by email before the 1st December 2009 to
Prof. P. Defourny
UCL – Dpt of Environmental Sciences and Land Use Planning
Croix du Sud, 2 bte 16
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve





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