Thursday, July 24, 2014

[beasiswa] [info] Two Post-Doctoral Research Positions Open (VCOM Auburn), Alabama, USA


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From: Wei Liu <>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:21 AM

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM Auburn) is seeking highly motivated and qualified individuals to apply for two post-doctoral positions: 1, Rehabilitation Biomechanics2, Rehabilitation Neuroscience. The positions begin as soon as possible. These funded positions include research responsibilities of on-going collaborative projects within Rehabilitation Biomechanics Lab (RBL) at Auburn University (, focusing on combining aspects of Motor Control Theory, Biomechanics Modeling approach and Imaging technique such as Electroencephalogram (EEG), f-MRI to develop improved treatment interventions for individuals with disability. RBL will provide unique training opportunities to work at multiple disciplinary research environments, which include Auburn University's new MRI Research Center, the School of Kinesiology's new Sport Performance and Optimization Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Andrews Research & Education Institute (AREI).

General Qualifications:

· A recently completed PhD in biomedical, mechanical, or electrical engineering, biomechanics, kinesiology, neuroscience, psychology or a related field.
· Evidence of scholarship; e.g. peer-reviewed publications.
· Ability to work independently and as a good team player.

Specific Qualifications:

1, Rehabilitation Neuroscience
· Experience with collecting, processing, and analyzing EEG or f-MRI data.
· Expertise in signal processing, and data analysis using Matlab (or other) software such as EEGLAB, EEGIFT.

2, Rehabilitation Biomechanics
· Experimental experience collecting biomechanical measurements (kinematics, kinetics) from human subjects.
· Expertise in data analysis using Matlab (or other) software such as Visual 3-D and Opensim.

For further information or consideration, please contact or send a current resume to Dr. Brock at VCOM Auburn Campus, Auburn, AL.

University: Auburn University (AU) is ranked in the top fifty public universities (U.S. News & World Report). AU also has a new MRI Research Center that contains a Siemens Verio open-bore 3T scanner for clinical and research use, and one of the first actively-shielded whole-body 7T MRI scanners in the US for research use. Kinesiology's new Health and Performance Optimization Center, housed in the new MRI facility. AU is centrally located in the southeastern United States in Auburn, AL, a city with a population of about 56,000. Auburn's size offers numerous advantages to its residents and is a quintessential college town with attractive demographic makeup and geographic location. Excellent recreational and cultural opportunities are available.

Wei Liu, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Director of Rehabilitation Biomechanics Laboratory
Department of Kinesiology
301 Wire Road
Auburn University
Auburn, AL,36849


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