Wednesday, October 21, 2009

[lowongan-beasiswa] Brunei Darussalam : Universiti Brunei Darussalam Doctoral Scholarships Programme 2009-2010


Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) is once again offering its prestigious Doctoral Scholarships Programme (UBD DSP) to enhance UBD's ability to attract academically outstanding international PhD scholars, as part of its efforts to make the university a regional and international centre of excellence in research and higher education.



Terms and conditions

  1. The UBD Doctoral Scholarships Programme is open to all international candidates, regardless of nationality, applying for admission to a full time PhD programme at Universiti Brunei Darussalarn (UBD) at any time in 2009 or 2010.
  2. The scholarships do not carry a bond.
  3. Each scholarship covers tuition fees (and bench fees where applicable), one outward and return economy travel fare to Brunei Darussalam, research expenses up to a maximum of Brunei Dollars $8,000, a yearly book allowance of Brunei Dollars $300, on-campus accommodation in the university's Residential Halls, plus a monthly personal allowance of Brunei Dollars $500.
  4. Each scholarship is tenable for the minimum period of candidature for the respective PhD programme at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).
  5. The scholarship does not include any other costs not specified in Condition 3 (above) and it does not guarantee employment or residence in Brunei Darussalam to the scholar upon graduation.

  6. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
    PhD in Geography, History, Malay Language & Linguistics, Malay Literature, Sociology/ Anthropology, English Applied Linguistics
    Faculty of Science
    PhD in all areas, particularly Petroleum Geoscience, Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Robotics, Mechatronic, Material Science, Alternative/ Renewable Energy, Agro-technology and Food Security
    Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education
    PhD in Education (all areas)
    Faculty of Business, Economics & Policy Studies
    PhD in Economics, Public Policy/Social Policy, and Business Administration
    Academy of Brunei Studies
    PhD in Brunei Studies and ASEAN Studies
    Institute of Medicine
    PhD in all areas, particularly Medicine, Bio-medical Science, Nursing, and Midwifery
    Language Centre
    PhD in Language and/or Communication, and Foreign Language Studies
    Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre
    PhD in all areas

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