Thursday, July 30, 2009

Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh Saran/Info ] Sudah diterima S2 Italia, tapi beasiswa ditolak


saya ikut sumbang saran ya,
kalau bitha memang tetap ingin berangkat ke italy,
coba saja di manage pemasukan dan pengeluaran disana agar bisa survive dan melanjutkan studinya..

Solusi 1,
gunakan uang tabungan sendiri untuk hidup dan kuliah, tapi cobalah untuk:
tekan biaya kuliahnya, karena jumlah tuition fee di italia disesuaikan dengan pendapatannya.  tapi ngurus dokumennya kayaknya agak sedikit ribet karena harus ditranslate ke italian trus dilegalisasi dll..(italian bureaucracy)  :)
coba baca uraian berikut:



During the whole academic year, students are asked to pay a tuition fee which is composed of two parts:

  1. The first fee amounts to approximately 800€ and it has to be paid in order to complete the enrolment (immatricolazione). The first fee will be therefore be paid by the enrolment deadline in September.
  2. The second fee will be calculated by the Tax Office according to your family income and has to be paid approximately at the beginning of May. In order to calculate your family income, you will be asked to provide a financial document called ISEEU declaration. Such declaration will be completed only after your arrival in italy (by end of November) by an Agency called CAF, external to the Politecnico, free of charge.

In order to allow the CAF to complete such declaration, you will have to provide a number of documents according to your status.

If you depend economically from your family, the ISEEU declaration is the outcome of the following documents:

-              a document stating the composition of your family (i.e. all the family members that are not economically independent or live in the same house)

-              income tax return for the year 2008 of each family member who has an income (converted into Euro). Please be advised that documents issued by a worker's employer WILL NOT BE accepted; the official income tax return must be issued by the official government revenue agency of the student's country of residence.

-              properties owned by the family in square meters at 31st December 2008. In case of a mortgage on the house (or other property), you should provide a copy of the mortgage statement indicating the remaining amount to be paid to the financial institution that provided the loan. If your family rents a house, you should provide us with a copy of the currentrental agreement indicating how much is paid monthly;

-              documentation related to any properties/income you or your family might have in Italy


If you are economically independent from your family, the ISEEU should be exclusively referred to your economic situation, without considering the income and the properties of your family. In particular, a student will be considered "independent" if:

-              he/she has a different residence from the one of the family since at least two years;

-              he/she does not live in a house belonging to a member of the family

-              he/she has a personal income deriving from self employment/employed work since at least two years. The student's annual income must not be lower than euro 7.392


All documents must be translated into Italian by a recognized translator and legalized by an Italian Diplomatic Representation in your country (or your country's Embassy or Consulate in Italy ). CAF will only accept original documents.

You do not need to send us the documents for ISEEU declaration, but bring them with you to Italy .


Solusi 2,
tekan pengeluaran untuk biaya hidup dengan tinggal bersama dengan mahasiswa lain, mis. 1 kamar diisi oleh 4 orang atau ngontrak apartemen/flat rame2, terus kan bisa masak bareng, jadi pengeluaran dapat terus dikurangi..

Solusi 3,
sambil berkerja di lingkungan kampus, (soal ini tergantung kebijakan masing2 kampus), sepertinya solusi ini agak berat kalau kemampuan berbahasa italianya minim 
setiap mahasiswa baik itu mahasiswa itali dan internasional diberi hak untuk bekerja part time di lingkungan kampus selama 150 jam per tahun, gajinya bervariasi antara 10.000(s1) - 13.000 eur(s2) pertahun bebas pajak
baca uraian berikut

Dall'a.a. 2004/05 il nuovo corrispettivo previsto è il seguente:

  • 10,00 euro per gli studenti della laurea triennale e del ciclo unico con CFU < 180;
  • 13,00 euro per gli studenti della laurea specialistica e del ciclo unico con CFU ≥ 180;

Tale corrispettivo è esente dall'imposta locale sui redditi e da quella sul reddito delle persone fisiche (IRPEF).

coba hubungi kampusnya bitha saja ya, mungkin mereka punya solusi lain buat mengakomodasi bitha untuk kuliah...

semoga membantu..



--- On Wed, 7/29/09, astaga as <> wrote:

From: astaga as <>
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh Saran/Info ] Sudah diterima S2 Italia, tapi beasiswa ditolak
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 6:29 PM


Nasip kita sama.. tapi untuk kasus saya negaranya di BELANDA... memang susah cari beasiswa kalau sudah tengah tahun seperti ini.. akhirnya saya kemarin lobi ke pihak universitas untuk memperpanjang status penerimaan saya sampai tahun depan agar bisa mencari beasiswa terlebih dahulu. Syukur pihak universitas setuju. jadi skarang saya sudah mulai persiapan melamar beasiswa untuk tahun 2010 ke BELANDA.


--- On Sun, 26/7/09, vwb3etle <b_itha@yahoo.> wrote:

From: vwb3etle <b_itha@yahoo.>
Subject: [beasiswa] [Butuh Saran/Info ] Sudah diterima S2 Italia, tapi beasiswa ditolak
To: beasiswa@yahoogroup
Date: Sunday, 26 July, 2009, 6:43 PM



Mohon saran/info nih.
Sbnrnya saya apply beasiswa di salah satu uni di Pisa, Italia.
Tp ternyata karena itu beasiswa dr kampus, jd beasiswanya terbatas dan kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut tipis.

Saya ingin mencoba nekat untuk tetap mengambil sekolah itu, oleh karena itu saya mohon saran, apakah ini tindakan yang tepat?
Saya berpikir akan kuliah sambil bekerja, tapi apakah ini memungkinkan di Pisa?

Ato apakah teman-teman tahu beasiswa apalagi yang bisa saya ambil? Setidaknya beasiswa tuition fee deh.

Tolong bantu ya,, sumbang saran ato apa aja.
Saya sangat membutuhkannya, karena saya harus memberikan keputusan kepada pihak sekolah secepatnya.

Terimakasih banyak ya.


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