terima kasih kpada pak ananda atas info beasiswa dr university of tokyo... perkenalkan, nama saya M.rizky hartaman, saya baru lu2s dr teknik elektro Universitas Indonesia..saya berencana mau melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang elektro jg..saya mau bertanya tentang beasiswa ini..disitu tertulis deadline pengajuan beasiswa november 2009..tp setelah saya buka web departemen electrical eng & information systems, yang ada hanya jadwal tes masuk utk program master dan PhD, yg tertulis tgl 31 agsts...yg ingin saya tanyakan, bagaimana proses pengajuan beasiswa ini? apakah saya hrs menghubungi profesor yg bersangkutan dgn bidang saya? apakah beasiswa ini full scholarship? krn sy sangat berharap beasiswa ini full scholarship. ..saya mohon informasinya. .terima kasih...
--- In beasiswa@yahoogroup s.com, Ananda Setiyo Ivannanto <ivannanto@. ..> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Maybe you
> [image: the University of Tokyo]International Graduate Program In:M
> echanical, Electrical and Materials Engineering
> (Updated: June 30, 2009)
> Application Deadline for 2010 Academic Year: November 30th, 2009
> - Message <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/message. html>
> - Prospectus 2009 <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/prospectus .html>
> - Download <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/download/ index.html>
> - Faculty <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/faculty. html>
> - Lectures in English <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/lectures. html>
> - Japanese Language
> Class <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/japanesecl ass.html>
> - Photo Album <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/photo/ index.html>
> - Link <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/link. html>
> - Contact Us <http://www.mem. t.u-tokyo. ac.jp/contact. html>
> [image: poster]
> The International Graduate Program for non-Japanese students was launched in
> 1999, offering advanced professional training leading to the degrees of
> Master of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering. Students will have the
> unique opportunity of taking a degree from the University of Tokyo with
> lectures and research conducted completely in English. Applicants who have
> exceptional academic records will be awarded Monbu-Kagakusho scholarship for
> the whole period of graduate program.
> The program is formed by the following 6 departments out of 19 departments
> in the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo.
> Mechanical EngineeringMechanic al EngineeringElectric al Engineering and
> Information SystemsElectrical Engineering and Information Systems
> Materials EngineeringMaterial s EngineeringAeronaut ics and
> AstronauticsAeronau tics
> and AstronauticsChemica l System EngineeringChemical System Engineering
> - Special Application for Students from Tsinghua University and Seoul
> National University:
> http://www.t. u-tokyo.ac. jp/etpage/ international_ applicants/ special_applicat ion_for_students .html
> - China scholarship Council:
> http://www.t. u-tokyo.ac. jp/etpage/ international_ applicants/ china_scholarshi p_council. html
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> Copyright (c) MEM International Graduate Program. All Rights Reserved.
> --
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> Ananda Setiyo Ivannanto
> Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Master Program (GSAM)
> Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Rits APU)
> Beppu, Japan