Kompetisi Menulis Artikel Feature

Paramadina-The Jakarta Post

Pengumuman Kedua dan Pengunduran Tenggat


Sehubungan libur sekolah dan libur panjang dalam suasana Iedul Fitri, maka Universitas Paramadina & Jakarta Post mengundurkan tenggat akhir penerimaan naskah (artikel)"Kompetisi Menulis Feature Berita 2010' sampai dengan 1 Oktober 2010.


"Kompetisi Menulis Feature Berita 2010' dalam bahasa Inggris atau 'News Feature Writing Competition 2010' diselenggarakan bagi para pemuda, pelajar dan mahasiswa Indonesia, guna memacu semangat membaca dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Peserta diminta menulis artikel feature berita (bukan karya akademik) sekitar seribu kata, dengan pilihan salah satu dari tiga topik ini:

1.                  Mengapa sulit memberantas korupsi di lingkungan birokrasi?

2.                  Naik-turunnya persepakbolaan Indonesia .

3.                  Jaringan sosial media dan masalah kerahasiaan pribadi (privacy).


Selain hadiah uang dan sertifikat, pemenang pertama kompetisi ini akan menerima beasiswa penuh untuk melanjutkan studi di Universitas Paramadina hingga selesai sarjana (bagi peserta kategori A) atau pascasarjana (bagi peserta katgeori B). Informasi selengkapnya dalam bahasa Inggris dapat di lihat di bawah ini, dan diakses pada situs Universitas Paramadina: www.paramadina.ac.id.



News Feature Writing Competition

Second Announcement and Extended Deadline


Due to school holidays and Ramadhan and Iedul Fitri festivities, Paramadina University and The Jakarta Post have decided to extend the closing of the nationwide 'News Feature Writing Competition 2010' until 1 October 2010.


Those persons who have already submitted their articles do not have to re-submit their work. However, they can either make refinement of their previous ones (if they wish), or send new entries with the following details.


Rules and Details of the Competition:


  • The competition is open to all high school students and Indonesian youth (including university students) with Indonesian citizenship – regardless of whether they are studying in Indonesia or overseas.
  • Three Themes:

Each participant must submit a 1000-word news feature article addressing one of the three (3) themes listed here:

  1. Why is it difficult to curb corruption within the bureaucracy?
  2. The rise and the fall of Indonesian soccer: Have we become an athletic nation?
  3. Is social media networking changing how we feel about privacy? 

·        Participants must write an informative and entertaining feature article, instead of a scientific paper or school report. The participants from high school (category 'A') can refer to the writing style of "Youthspeak" tabloid in writing the feature; and participants of category 'B' can refer to news feature style of The Jakarta Post daily.


o       Category A:

§         Indonesian citizen, currently studying in SMU kelas 1-3 (equal to year 10-12 High School) or in their first semester of a university/college, either in Indonesia or Overseas.


o       Category B:

§         Indonesian citizen, currently studying in Indonesian or Overseas University , undergraduate level (program sarjana), and Indonesian youth (age 18-26) having passion in writing (excluded professional and freelance journalists/writers).


·        Each entry must use at least two sources of people being interviewed. Participants must include the names, contact numbers and day of the interviews in their submission.

·        Articles should be typed in Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spaces in A4 form paper.

·        Articles must be original, written by participants – we strongly advise against engaging in any form of plagiarism.

·        A panel of judges will select and shortlist combination of candidates from all themes of each category A and B. Thus, there will be two different short listed participants (from category A and from category B) who will undergo into further process. 

·        Each participant can send between one and three entries (articles).

·        Participants should send their articles to:

o       By Post to: hard copy in the above format Divisi Marketing & PR (MPR),  Universitas Paramadina; Jl.Gatot Subroto Kav.97, Jakarta 12790. Mark the upper left of the envelope(s) with "Paramadina-Jakarta Post News Feature Writing Competition 2010".

o       By e-mail to: competition@paramadina.ac.id (with subject: "Writing Competition 2010 _ Your Name"). Article must be attached in PDF or Word.Doc (Win 97-2003) format, bearing the title and your name.


·        All articles must be received by midnight of 1 October 2010.

·        Names of (short listed) finalists will be announced on Paramadina's website and via other means between 11 Oct – 15 Oct 2010.

·        The above finalists will undergo interview sessions between 18 Oct – 1 November 2010.    

·        The journalism writing workshop for finalists will be conducted on 5-6 November 2010.

·        Names of final winners will be published in Paramadina's website on 9 November 2010, and subsequently will be invited for a ceremony on 19 November 2010.

·        On 21 November 2010 winners will be announced in the Discover section of The Jakarta Post daily newspaper.

·        Short listed finalist candidates and winners will have to pay their own transportation expenses during the competition period

·        Employees of The Jakarta Post group and or their families or agencies are not eligible to participate in this competition.


Awards & Benefits:

1.         Short listed participants (result of first selection) from both categories:

a.     Get a 2-day journalism workshop conducted by The Jakarta Post at Paramadina University .

b.     Receive a 4-month free subscription to The Jakarta Post daily.

2.         First prize winners:

a.     Category A: scholarship*) to undertake four years of study in undergraduate (S-1) program at Paramadina University; Rp. 2 million cash money, and a certificate.

b.     Category B: scholarship*) to undertake three (3) semesters of study in postgraduate (S-2) program at Paramadina University; Rp. 2 million cash money, and a certificate.

3.         Second prize winners: for both categories A and B: Rp. 1,5 million cash money and a certificate.

4.         Third prize winners: for both categories A and B: Rp. 1 million cash money and a certificate.

5.         All prize winners of both categories A & B will have the opportunity to have lunch with Anies Baswedan Ph.D.

6.         The Jakarta Post will publish the winning articles in the Youthspeak or Discover. (information about this will be announced in www.paramadina.ac.id in due course).


*) All scholarships (valued up to Rp.65 million) are neither transferable nor replaceable and can only be given in the form of study. The committee does not bear other responsibilities for winners who do not wish to take their scholarship awards.


For further enquiries, please contact:

Marketing & Public Relations Division, Universitas Paramadina;