Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] Master Scholarship in Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering COSSE, Erasmus Mundus, Europe


The Erasmus Mundus programme "Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering" (COSSE) is a joint initiative of four European universities:
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Technical University of Berlin, Germany
  • Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands
  • Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen – Nürnberg, Germany
COSSE is a two-year master`s programme offering a double degree from two universities. The students enter one of the universities and continue the second year at one of the other institutions in another country. COSSE offers education of the highest international standard as well as a unique experience of meeting different European cultures, languages, climate and nature.
The EACEA (the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) awards 7 to 10 category A scholarships and 6 to 8 category B scholarships per Erasmus Mundus Master`s programme.
Category A scholarships (non-EU member states) can be awarded to applicants from non-EU member states (but not to applicants from Norway, Liechtenstein or Iceland)
UNLESS they have resided in a EU member state or in Norway, Liechtenstein or Iceland, for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years (by 31 January of the year of enrollment).
The category A scholarship includes:
  • Travel and installation costs: € 8000 for a 2 year programme
  • Participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 4000/semester
  • Monthly allowance: € 1000/month

Category B scholarships (EU-member states) can be awarded to applicants from EU-member states and to applicants from Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland
The category B scholarship includes:
  • Travel and installation costs – only if the EM master`s programme includes a mobility period to a Third-Country partner: € 3000
  • Participation costs (including insurance coverage): € 2000/semester
  • Monthly allowance: € 500/month
Who can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship (Action 1)?

Read more...click here

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