Sunday, July 5, 2009

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD in GIS at Utrecht University, Netherlands

Post doc/PhD: Geographical Information System (1,0 fte)

(Utrecht), 38 hours per week Utrecht University


Job description

Post doc/PhD: Geographical Information System (GIS)
The candidate will be using geographical information systems to estimate historical and current exposure to ELF and RF electromagnetic fields from base-stations and powerlines for in particular a prospective cohort study consisting of 250.000 members of the general population. The methods to be developed should take into account both exposures at home, at work and elsewhere (commuting, etc.). Field studies in which actual EMF exposure will be measured in order to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of GIS-based exposure assessment methods will be integral part of the work.

The candidate will publish the findings as papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These papers will form the basis of the PhD thesis for the PhD student.


University Graduate
For a Post doc position:
•PhD degree or within one year of obtaining PhD degree in the field of GIS and/or geostatistics with a focus on health related issues.
•Established and relevant research focus and continuing research plan.
•International experience and willingness to build a Dutch and international network.
For a PhD position:
We are looking for an enthusiastic graduate with a background (MSc) in the field of Geo Informatics with specialisation in the use of geographic information systems (GIS). The candidate should have strong organisational, communication and writing skills (in English).

In both cases we are looking for a team player who is able to work independently. Experience in the field of characterization and measurement of physical agents through GIS methods and a strong statistical/methodological interest and experience will be an advantage.

Additional information about the job:
Post doc/PhD: Geographical Information System (GIS) based exposure assessment for studies on health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.


Utrecht University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences of Utrecht University is an interfaculty research institute within the faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Bèta Sciences. Research is carried out in close collaboration with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Quality of Life. The mission of IRAS is to provide education and research on the human health risks of exposure to potentially harmful agents in the environment, at the workplace and through the food chain.

The research is performed in three divisions
•Environmental Epidemiology
•Veterinary Public Health
Recently within the Division of Environmental Epidemiology a start has been made with research of health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. The research is being funded by the ZonMw National Research Programme Electromagnetic Fields and Health and the Seventh Research Framework Programme of the European Union. The ZonMw research programme has funded a chair in Epidemiology of Health Effects of Electro Magnetic Fields at IRAS.

The aim of the ZonMw National Research Programme is to keep track of new and existing EMF applications, such as MRI, mobile phone and WIFI use and to enhance the Dutch knowledge infrastructure in the field of electromagnetic fields and health. Research projects will be carried out in extensive collaboration with several national and international research institutions.

In order to be able to perform the studies within this new, ambitious and unique research field IRAS seeks inspired candidates for the following position of either
Post doc/PhD: Geographical Information System (GIS) based exposure assessment for studies on health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 3500 - 4000
Salaryscale 10. Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 1 year with the perspective of prolongation with another 3 or 4 years.
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
We offer a temporary full-time appointment of one year with the perspective of prolongation with another 3 or 4 years.
The salary for a full time appointment for a Postdoc will be between € 2,861.- and € 3,755.- gross per month (scale 10 Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities).
The salary for a full time appointment for a PhD starts at € 2,042.- and increases to € 2,612.- gross per month in the fourth year of the appointment.

Secondary benefits based on the Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities are excellent in general and include e.g. a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions and salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year end bonus of 8,3% per year. Travel costs for international conferences and working meetings are also included.

Additional Information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Prof dr Hans Kromhout
Telephone number: +31 (0)30 253 9440 E-mail address:

Dr Roel Vermeulen
Telephone number: +31 (0)30 253 9448 <chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_transparent_r.gif>
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.

* About the organization <>
* IRAS <>


You can apply for this job before 26-07-2009 by sending your application to:

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Personnel department
J.C.M. Schoonenberg
by email
s.v.p. .

E-mail address:

Please send your written application, with motivation, curriculum vitae and addresses of two references.

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number 129023.

The short URL code for this job opening is: 00351-2047.
You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL <>





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