Tuesday, August 16, 2011

[beasiswa] [INFO] PhD Student, Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany


Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 13:47:53
From: Anne Barron [barron@leuphana.de]
Subject: Pragmatics: PhD Student, Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany
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Institution/Organization: Leuphana University Lueneburg
Department: Institute of English Studies
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Pragmatics
Sociolinguistics, Language Acquisition, Irish English
The Chair of English Linguistics at the Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany
(Prof. Anne Barron) invites applications for two PhD scholarships in
Linguistics. The scholarships are each worth Euro 1,300 monthly (plus child benefit,
If appropriate).
The scholarships will commence in mid-October 2011 or as soon as possible
Thereafter. They are awarded for one year initially. However, subject to the
Progress of the PhD, each can be renewed for a further two years. It should be
Noted that students can apply for a scholarship without registering for a PhD at
The Leuphana university. However, successful students can only take up the
Scholarship once they are registered PhD students at the Leuphana university.
The successful candidates are to pursue a PhD in English linguistics at the
Leuphana University Lueneburg. One scholarship will be awarded to a research
Topic in the area of interlanguage pragmatics (focusing on, e.g., acquisition,
Teaching, assessment, individual differences, ...). The other scholarship will be
Awarded to a topic within variational pragmatics (intercultural pragmatics).
This latter scholarship will focus on intra-lingual pragmatic variation (e.g.
Pragmatic variation across the Englishes, pragmatic variation according to age,
Social class, ...). A specialization in Irish English is a decided advantage for
The second research studentship.
Additional duties include tutorials and student support for up to ten hours per
Week. A good command of the English language is a pre-requisite; a working
Knowledge of German is beneficial but not a requirement.
A Master's degree or equivalent in English Studies, linguistics or a related
Field (with an emphasis on some of the following areas: Pragmatics, Language
Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis (required grade: A or B
According to the ECTS scale).
Details of Application:
Applications should include a letter of application, a CV, copies of exam
Certificates and a 2 page outline of the envisaged PhD project. Applications
Should be marked 'PhD scholarship Interlanguage Pragmatics' or 'PhD scholarship
Pragmatic Variation' as appropriate. They should be sent (preferably by email as
A PDF file) to the address below.
Further information on studying for a PhD at the Leuphana University can be
Found under:
For further information, applicants are welcome to contact Prof. Dr. Anne Barron
Email address for Applications: gradschool.stipendien@uni.leuphana.de
Application Deadline: 09-Sep-2011
Mailing Address for Applications:
  Attn: Prof. Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel
  Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Graduate School
  Scharnhorststr. 1
  Lüneburg Niedersachsen 21335
Web Address for Applications: gradschool.stipendien@uni.leuphana.de
Contact Information:
  Prof. Anne Barron
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