Monday, August 22, 2011

[lowongan-beasiswa] Lowongan IT (Project Mgr, Business Analyst, QA, Database Administrator)


Dear Group members...

Our client, IT Consultant Company location at Jakarta is looking for a high qualified personal to join in their team for position of:
         Project Manager (Code: PM)
-          Bachelor / Master degree from a reputable university, majoring in information technology /computer science/ electrical engineering
-          Experience Min 2 -4 years
-          Industry IT/IT Banking
-          Having strong background /understanding of project implementation methodologies
-          familiarity with internet banking, mobile banking
          Business Analyst Jr./Sr. (Code: BA)
- Bachelor / Master Degree from a reputable university, majoring in information technology /computer science/ electrical  engineering
- Experience Min 2 years
- Knowledge about: SDLC, Modelling language such as UML
- Familiarity with internet banking, mobile banking
- Experience in business requirement gathering, requirement analysis, design and testing
Quality Assurance (Code: QA) – 3 position
- Experience min. 2 years
- Good understanding in Application Testing
- Familiar with internet and/or Mobile banking functionality

Database Administrator (Code: DBA) – 3 position
- Bachelor / Master Degree majoring in information technology /computer science/ engineering
- Experience as Database Administrator 2-3 years
- Experience in Oracle & Linux is a must
  - max. 35 years old

Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesitate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Please put the position applied as the subject.                           
Thank you very much for your kind attention and waiting for your CVs.

Best regards,
  Kristavelly O. S.
Executive Search Consultant
BSS Executive Search & Contract Personnel
Gedung Jets House, Jl.Ampera Raya No.5
Pejaten Barat - Jakarta Selatan 12510
Phone      : + 62 21 7179 2222, 718 1111 (hunting)
HP          : + 62 852 5724 7474

Fax         : + 62 21 7179 1287 (Marketing), 7179 3931 (Finance)
HP          : + 62 852 5724 7474

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