Saturday, January 23, 2010

[lowongan-beasiswa] [INFO]University of Aberdeen: PhD and Master in Behaviour, Choices and Markets Behaviour, Choices and Markets


The principle aim of Behaviour, Choices and Markets is to create a platform for a comprehensive investigation of behaviour and choice within markets and society. This is set within an all-embracing framework interpreted through the perspectives of economic and social science principles. Incentives and choice lie at the heart of human behaviour and through societal interactions can result in multitudinous market outcomes (national and international) often with far reaching consequences. Inherent within the project is an inter-disciplinary approach drawing upon fundamental social science methodologies. The outcomes of the project will generate knowledge and intellectual curiosity about the impact of behavioural interactions on the welfare of society.

Available studentships

The available studentships are:
  • Two PhD studentships exploring Energy Markets (one starting 2010, one starting 2011);
  • Two PHD studentships in Experimental Economics utilising the Scottish Experimental Economics Laboratory (one starting 2010, one starting 2011);
  • Two PhD awards within Labour Market Economics (one starting 2010, one starting 2011);
  • A one year Masters in Research (starting 2010) with a view to a PhD (starting 2011) investigating International Property Investment;
  • Two further MRes (starting 2011 and 2012) in Management Studies.
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